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External news
View All External Articles →Black River-Matheson lockout poses threat to services as heavy snow season begins
Since October 15, the municipal workers in the township of Black River-Mathe...
Respaldo a lxs trabajadores de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (US...
El día 16 de noviembre el Ministerio Público (MP) de Guatemala decidió ejecu...
WTO-Tagung: Geben Regierungen nun Patente auf Covid-Vakzine frei?
Am Sonntag beginnt eine wichtige Ministertagung der Welthandelsorganisation. Sie könnte den Streit um die geistigen Eigentumsrechte beenden.
Årets vinner av Arthur Svensson-prisen: George (51) kjemper for helsearbeide...
Den liberiske fagforeningslederen George Poe Williams fra helsearbeiderforbu...
Take action now!
PSI, AFT and EI call for the release of Palestinian activist Fatima Al-Rimawi
PSI, its affiliate the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), and its sister global union Education International (EI) have joined forces to campaign for the re...
Sep 18, 2024Publications
View all publications →Egyptian Ambulance Authority Workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic
This study on Egyptian Ambulance Authority Workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic is part of the project "Strengthening or...
Social Security and Pensions Act No. 148 of 2019 in Egypt
This study on the Social Security and Pensions Act No. 148 of 2019 in Egypt is part of the project "Strengthening organi...
Show all multimedia →Kenyan Health workers threaten to strike from next week
Dec 18, 2024Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists, and Dentist Union (KMPDU) have issued a strike notice demanding an increment in salaries for doctors in the country.
Empowered Together: Maldivian Union's Innovative Organising Yields Historic Wins
Jul 16, 2024The Maldives Health Professional's Union (MHPU) has been instrumental in ratification of bills on Industrial Relations a...