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Global Unions Palestine Delegation Statement
Statement by leaders of eight Global Union Federations (GUFs) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) who...
Centrales sindicales argentinas envían nota a la OIT sobre el intento del gobierno de criminalizacióm de la protesta
La Confederación General del Trabajo de la República Argentina (CGT-RA) conjuntamente con la Central Autónoma de Trabaj...
Egyptian Ambulance Authority Workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic
This study on Egyptian Ambulance Authority Workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic is part of the project "Strengthening or...
Social Security and Pensions Act No. 148 of 2019 in Egypt
This study on the Social Security and Pensions Act No. 148 of 2019 in Egypt is part of the project "Strengthening organi...
Precarious Work in the Egyptian Employment Relations
This study on precarious work contracts, non-standard Forms of Employment (NSFE) and worker’s conditions during the pand...