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External news
View All External Articles →Respaldo a lxs trabajadores de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (US...
El día 16 de noviembre el Ministerio Público (MP) de Guatemala decidió ejecu...
Una conferencia en Chile que reúne movimientos de todo el mundo para combatir múltiples crisis
Nuestra Conferencia de Futuro Público es convocada, entre otros, por PSI, la Iniciativa de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales Globales, el
Quem foram os trabalhadores da saúde mortos por covid no Brasil
Pesquisa revela a relação entre precarização do trabalho e óbitos entre esse...
Covid-19 matou mais de 4,5 mil profissionais de saúde no Brasil - Congresso em Foco
De acordo com pesquisa do ISP, a covid-19 matou mais de 4,5 mil profissionais de saúde entre os anos de 2020 e 2021 no Brasil
Case studies
All case studies →Countries provide welfare and administrative services for asylum seekers and refugees but increasingly, these, like other public services, have been subject to ...
Privatisation of services for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants - USA
View all publications →New PSI report reveals critical role and challenges of Community Health Workers in Malawi & Zambia
This PSI report examines the state of community health workers (CHWs) in Malawi and Zambia, focusing on their crucial ro...
Show all multimedia →Organizaciones sindicales impulsan aprobación del Convenio 190 de la OIT en la Asamblea Legislativa
Jan 29, 2025La Asociación Nacional de Empleados Públicos y Privados (ANEP), la Asociación Nacional de Profesionales en Enfermería (A...
Avances estratégicos de la ISP en la organización social del cuidado
Jan 6, 2025Con el apoyo estratégico y fundamental de FÓRSA, durante el 2024 la Internacional de Servicios Públicos (ISP) fortaleció...
- #Nigeria
- +9
- #Migration
- #Akademikerförbundet SSR
- #National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives
- #PSI
- #Amalgamated Union of Public Corporations, Civil Service Technical and Recreational Services Employees
- #Africa & Arab Countries
- #English-speaking Central, East and West Africa
- #Union to Union
- #Migration & Refugees
Nigeria: Promoting Social Dialogue
Dec 19, 2024This video was made possible through the generous support of with the support of the Swedish Solidarity Support Organiza...