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External news
View All External Articles →England’s water companies are ‘environmentally insolvent’, study says
Firms are unable to raise £260bn to deal with sewage spillages according to researchers
How Thames Water Came Close to Drowning in Debt
The water business isn’t supposed to be exciting. But scandals over sewage s...
The company supplying water to millions of Londoners is in deep trouble | CNN Business
Britain’s biggest water supplier said Wednesday it needed to raise more cash...
As Thames Water sinks, Macquarie Group continues its unstoppable rise
The Australian operation has been widely blamed for the crisis at Britain’s ...
View all publications →Rivers of resistance - Water for life, not profit
This report intends to capture the current state of play of the global water justice movement in order to strengthen str...
Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2018
"The world is off-track in terms of achieving sustainable development and fundamental policy changes are necessary to un...
Show all multimedia →La ISP Interaméricas y la crisis climática: Derecho al agua y saneamiento
Dec 22, 2021Habla Ariel Monzón, del Sindicato Gran Buenos Aires de Trabajadores de Obras Sanitarias (SGBATOS), secretario ejecutivo ...
Challenging the private water lobby
Oct 22, 2020Corporate lobby group Aquafed’s attempt to undermine Léo Heller’s analysis of the human rights risks of water privatisat...
Webinar: “30 años de privatizaciones en Chile"
Jun 25, 2020Las oficinas regional interamericana y del Cono Sur de la Internacional de Servicios Públicos (ISP) realizaron el martes...