
Showing 11 publications

Water Privatisation and Remunicipalisation: International Lessons for Jakarta

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This report provides background to the current court case and public debate about the privatised Jakarta water concessio...

Water Justice Toolkit "Public Water for All". Part 1: Remunicipalization: a practical guide for communities and policy makers

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The water justice toolkit is the joint effort of organizations and grassroots groups from around the world, that are lo...

10 years after the privatization of EMFAPATUMBES. Exit or Failure?

Is it appropriate to privatize water? results of the privatization of water in tumbes. FENTAP with the support of the La...

Our Public Water Future: The global experience with remunicipalisation

This book provides the most comprehensive catalogue of water remunicipalisation cases produced so far. It looks at: the ...

Financialisation of water and the road to Rio+20

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Antonio Tricarico, CRBM: Speech at plenary session on 16th February 2012, FAME, Marseille.

Renationalisation is needed to tackle water poverty

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This PSIRU Brief, written by Emanuele Lobina, shows that water privatisation in England and Wales has led to a concernin...

List of water remunicipalisations in Asia and worldwide - As of April 2014

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This briefing paper lists the cases of remunicipalisation occurred in the last 15 years in high-, middle- and low-income...

Water remunicipalisation as a global trend: Calling for progressive policies

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Conference paper presented at: “Encuentro de Ciudades por el Agua Pública” (City of Madrid, 3 - 4 November 2016) This ...

Remunicipalization: The future of water services? (by David A. McDonald)

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This paper develops a typology of different ideological forms of remunicipalization, identifying key stakeholders and th...

Here to stay: Water remunicipalisation as a global trend

A new report called “Here to stay: Water remunicipalisation as a global trend” was released on 13 November 2014 by the T...

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