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The Greek government aims to prompt public-private partnerships
The transport ministry plans to select a financial advisor for 23 smaller ai...
Greece: people wonder when the pain will end
As the government signs on to another draconian agreement involving austerit...
How Greece’s Busiest Port Reveals the Perils of Privatization
For an analysis of how privatizations are harming the Greek economy, see “How Greece’s Busiest Port Reveals the Perils of Privatization,” by Alexander Saeedy.
Former finance minister and prominent economist Yanis Varoufakis denounces t...
Former finance minister and prominent economist Yanis Varoufakis denounces t...
Athens metro employees in 24-hour strike
Athens Metro workers stage a 24-hour strike “to protest what they say is und...
Korea is looking for investment opportunities in Greece’s privatization scheme
South Korea's Ambassador in Athens, Ahn Young-Jip, says his country is looki...
The Economist Intelligence Unit backs a government crackdown on resistance to privatization
The Economist Intelligence Unit backs a government crackdown on resistance t...
Water is a human right - Stop water privatization in Greece
The German “Network for solidarity with Greece” in Germany, has launched a p...
Greek privatization program offers 'returns of 15% or more' for investors
As the government begins negotiations with its creditors on the second revie...
Greek public sector workers strike over pension reforms
Public sector workers, including hospital staff, go on strike to protest pen...