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External news
View All External Articles →National Bank takeover bid hit by legal issues
The proposed privatisation of Kenya’s National Bank has run into trouble “fo...
The federal government will allow the big foreign banks to finance state gov...
The federal government will allow the big foreign banks to finance state gov...
U.S.-based companies are eagerly circling soon-to-be-privatized Vietnamese state owned companies
U.S.-based companies are eagerly circling soon-to-be-privatized Vietnamese s...
CUPE is raising concerns about the lack of transparency at Canada’s infrastructure bank
The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) is raising concerns about the ...
Show all multimedia →Seminario Virtual: Panorama Internacional del Impuesto a los Súper Ricos
Aug 18, 2020Este evento virtual se realizó en el marco de la campaña "Impuestos X la Dignidad", impulsada por AFIICH, ANEIICH, CUT, ...
ANEF critica presupuesto base cero por ser una iniciativa antiderechos
Jun 10, 2020Este 10 de junio, la Agrupación Nacional de Empleadxs Fiscales de Chile (ANEF) inició una campaña en contra del presupue...
CSOs as equal partners in monitoring public finance
May 31, 2018CSOs as equal partners in monitoring public finance started from 2016 with the aim to improve accountability and transpa...