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View All External Articles →Federal Govt Secretly Raises Electricity Tariff
Unknown to most Nigerians, they are now paying higher for electricity after ...
Senate moves to improve Nigeria’s power generation capacity
Nigeria's politicians haven't got the message yet : to fix a troubled energy system, privatisation is not the answer.
If the UK’s energy suppliers were publicly owned, would we be having this crisis? | David Hall
In Germany, France and even the US, most energy is supplied by the state, an...
Electricity trade unions oppose omnibus bill revisions over privatization concerns
Major electricity industry trade unions are considering public protests and ...
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Únase a la Red sindical de trabajadorxs de energía en América Latina
Bienvenidx al espacio de la ISP dedicado a nuestra red sindical de trabajadorxs de energía en América Latina. Aquí usted encontrará los acuerdos marco globales ...
Sep 29, 2022Videos
Show all multimedia →The Atlas of Utopias 2019
Jul 5, 2019Welcome to the Atlas of Utopias - a unique collection of community-led transformations to ensure access to water, energy...
Adeniyi Peters Adeyemi, NASU, Nigeria
May 28, 2015Listen to PSI Vice-President, Adeniyi Peters Adeyemi, from the Non-Academic Staff Union of Education and Associated Inst...