#Waive WTO copyrights on Covid-19 medical products!
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»Der Kompromiss ist völlig inakzeptabel«
Die WTO-Entscheidung zum Aussetzen von Patenten auf Covid-Impfstoffe ist seh...
WTO-Tagung: Geben Regierungen nun Patente auf Covid-Vakzine frei?
Am Sonntag beginnt eine wichtige Ministertagung der Welthandelsorganisation. Sie könnte den Streit um die geistigen Eigentumsrechte beenden.
Årets vinner av Arthur Svensson-prisen: George (51) kjemper for helsearbeide...
Den liberiske fagforeningslederen George Poe Williams fra helsearbeiderforbu...
Why This Nurse Held a Solo Protest Against Vaccine Patents at Davos
Health care workers are increasingly frustrated by Big Pharma’s ability to make huge profits from limited production of life-saving COVID-19 medical tools.
Pfizer to offer all its drugs not-for-profit to 45 lower-income countries
Company launches ‘healthier world’ accord in Davos and speaks to other pharma firms about similar steps
PSI on BBC - Rosa Pavanelli calls for TRIPS Waiver
PSI General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli discusses the urgent call from the Coun...
Rosa Pavanelli interview for Bloomberg
Should companies be forced to give up their Covid vaccine patents? Rosa Pava...
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- #Waive WTO copyrights on Covid-19 medical products!
World Humanitarian Day: Health Workers Demand More Healthcare, Covid-19 Access To IDPs
Health workers under the umbrella of the Public Service International (PSI) ...
Why the Australian government has so far failed to support a patent waiver for vaccine equity
Academics have told SBS News they fear the influence from pharmaceutical com...