#Swedish Municipal Workers Union
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Showing 9 news
- #Lebanon
- +14
- #Climate Crisis
- #Swedish Municipal Workers Union
- #Vårdförbundet - Swedish Association of Health Professionals
- #Akademikerförbundet SSR
- #PSI
- #International Labour Organisation
- #Africa & Arab Countries
- #Trade Union Rights
- #Arab Countries
- #Union to Union
- #Refugees
- #Quality Public Services
- #Migration & Refugees
PSI Organizes World Refugee Day 2023 Panel Event in Beirut, Lebanon
On 20 June 2023, PSI organized a regional hybrid panel event in Beirut, Leba...
- #Kenya
- +14
- #Swedish Municipal Workers Union
- #Kenya County Government Workers Union
- #Union of Kenya Civil Servants
- #Kenya Electrical Trades and Allied Workers' Union
- #Union of National Research Institutes Staff of Kenya
- #Kenya Union of Commercial, Food and Allied Workers
- #Kenya Universities Staff Union
- #Kenya National Union of Nurses
- #PSI
- #Africa & Arab Countries
- #English-speaking Central, East and West Africa
- #Union to Union
- #Quality Public Services
- #Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union
East Africa Evaluation in Nairobi, Kenya
East Africa PSI affiliates (24) under the project sponsored by Kommunal and ...
- #Burundi
- +34
- #Kenya
- #Rwanda
- #Tanzania
- #Uganda
- #Swedish Municipal Workers Union
- #Syndicat National du Personnel Paramédical et Aide-Soignant
- #Kenya County Government Workers Union
- #Union of Kenya Civil Servants
- #Kenya Electrical Trades and Allied Workers' Union
- #Union of National Research Institutes Staff of Kenya
- #Kenya Union of Commercial, Food and Allied Workers
- #Kenya Universities Staff Union
- #Kenya National Union of Nurses
- #Tanzania Union of Government and Health Employees
- #Researchers, Academicians and Allied Workers Union
- #Tanzania Local Government Workers Union
- #Tanzania Union of Industrial and Commercial Workers
- #Uganda Public Employees Union
- #Uganda Electricity and Allied Workers' Union
- #National Union of Educational Institutions
- #Uganda Nurses and Midwives Union
- #PSI
- #Africa & Arab Countries
- #English-speaking Central, East and West Africa
- #Union to Union
- #National Union of Government & Allied Workers
- #Uganda Local Government Workers' Union
- #Uganda Medical Workers' Union
- #Gender Equality and Equity
- #Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union
- #Syndicat du Personnel des Etablissements Publics et Privatisés
- #Rwanda Nurses and Midwives Union
- #Syndicat National des Travailleurs de la Santé
- #Uganda Farm & Agro Based Workers' Union
East Africa Regional <br>Women’s Workshop
Under the Kommunal and Union to Union Project, “Organising workers for trade...
- #Algeria
- +18
- #Jordan
- #Lebanon
- #Tunisia
- #Fackförbundet ST
- #Swedish Municipal Workers Union
- #Vårdförbundet - Swedish Association of Health Professionals
- #Akademikerförbundet SSR
- #PSI
- #International Labour Organisation
- #United Nations
- #Human rights
- #Africa & Arab Countries
- #Arab Countries
- #Refugees
- #Quality Public Services
- #Other Issues
- #Migration & Refugees
MENA Refugees Project Roundtable Discussion and Field Visit
Within the framework of the “Human Rights, Trade Unions and Quality Public S...
Egyptian labor in the revolutionary struggle
The Egyptian labor movement has a long history of resistance, but the curren...
Violencia y Acoso en el Sector Salud: Herramientas para su Erradicación
El taller realizado por la Internacional de Servicios Públicos (ISP) en el m...
Violencia y acoso con perspectivas de géneros en el sector salud de Chile
A partir de un estudio que evidencia el aumento de la violencia y el acoso e...