#Quality Public Services
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Los sindicatos de trabajadoxs de la salud de Colombia apoyan las reformas sociales del gobierno del cambio
18 organizaciones, filiadas y no filiadas a la ISP, además de las centrales sindicales colombianas CUT, CTC y CGT firmar...
The potential of public banks to fund local quality public services: A policy brief for workers and trade unions
PSI is has published a new policy brief for workers and trade unions about “The potential of public banks to fund local quality public services for all”.
End Austerity: A Global Report on Budget Cuts and Harmful Social Reforms in 2022-25
New report by Isabel Ortiz and Matthew Cummins, co-published by PSI, ActionAid, Arab Watch Coalition (AWC), Eurodad, Fin...
Our future is public - Why the IMF and World Bank must support public services
This is a report written and coordinated by Chiara Mariotti, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer at the European Network ...
- #Climate Crisis
- #ActionAid International
- +12
- #Transnational Institute
- #PSI
- #European Network on Debt and Development
- #Public Funding for Development
- #Privatisation
- #Quality Public Services
- #Oxfam
- #Our Future is Public (Old)
- #Initiative for Social and Economic Rights
- #Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- #East African Centre for Human Rights
- #Our Future is Public
Los Cuidados al Centro
El COVID-19 ha sacado a la luz de forma brutal las múltiples crisis que se entrecruzan desde hace tiempo en todo el mund...
Comunicado de las afiliadas a la ISP en Colombia sobre las elecciones presidenciales
Los y las principales lideres de las afiliadas a la Internacional de Servicios Públicos - ISP en Colombia, organizacion...
Gestión algorítmica, plataformas digitales y automatización del trabajo en los servicios públicos
Este guía sindical producido por la ISP, en colaboración con la afiliada irlansesa Fórsa, busca contribuir a la elaborac...
Care Givers and Takers - How finance extracts wealth from the care sector
This report, authoured by renowned journalist Nicholas Shaxson, examines case studies of financialisation in the care se...