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Why should public service unions engage with public banks? – Thomas Marois
This video of Thomas Marois introduces "The Potential of Public Banks to Fun...
OFiP22 Day 4 - Panel: Feminist alternatives and gender-transformative public services
The COVID pandemic has brutally confirmed how the sexual division of labour ...
OFiP22 Day 4 - Workshop: Climate Justice
Decolonisation, Indigenous Peoples Rights, Just and Equitable Transitions
Day 3 - Plenary Panel on Democratic Public Ownership (English)
Democratic public ownership, community collaborations and reimagining the ro...
OFiP22 Day 4 - Plenary Panel on Climate Justice (English)
As the planet will inevitably shoot past the 1.5C threshold, how to organise and mobilise?
OFiP22 Day 3 - Plenary Panel on Economic Justice
Swimming against the current: economic policies, ideologies and structures for people-centred public services
OFiP Day 3 - Workshop: Economic, Tax and Debt Justice
The daily struggles of peoples around the world — for food, housing, healthc...
OFiP Day 3 - Open Session 3: Towards an Independent Commission on Public Services
There is an urgent need to revisit the role of public goods and services, after 50 years of neoliberal policies to transform them into market commodities.