#International Financial Institutions
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IMF could require privatization of some national assets
The new Prime Minister Imran Khan will be opening negotiations with the IMF,...
The Hijacking of Global Financial Governance?
Analysis Meetings of G20 officials during the April 2018 Spring Meetings o...
Are PPPs the Answer?
The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank issued a blog askin...
Tunisia’s Next Revolution
Ines Mahmoud, a political scientist and law graduate based in Tunis and edit...
Building the Right Infrastructure for Tomorrow
The World Bank is now doing an infrastructure roundtable in Cape Town promot...
Corbyn has a Washington ally on taxing the rich. But no, it’s not Trump
The IMF has finally departed from 40 years of orthodoxy on taxation and economic growth, but it’s unlikely to persuade anyone in the US government.
World Economic Outlook, October 2017: Seeking Sustainable Growth: Short-Term...
The global upswing in economic activity is strengthening, with global growth...
IMF lending freeze “pushing Tunisia to the brink”
Sharan Burrow of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) says tha...
Development strategy of the ‘miracle’ economies of East Asia?
C. R. de Silva, who was “responsible at World Bank headquarters for program...
IMF Executive Board Concludes 2017 Article IV Consultation with Barbados
The IMF executive board, which put sustained pressure on Barbados for auster...