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El estado de la digitalización de los servicios públicos en América Latina
No es novedad el avanzo veloz de la digitalización por todo el mundo. Cada vez más nos enfrentamos a nuevas tecnologías ...
Tax policy brief: Lessons from the past
PSI has produced, in collaboration with the FES Tanzania office, a tax policy brief entitled “Lessons from the past”, wh...
- #Tanzania
- #Tax
- +11
- #Tanzania Union of Government and Health Employees
- #Researchers, Academicians and Allied Workers Union
- #Tanzania Local Government Workers Union
- #Tanzania Union of Industrial and Commercial Workers
- #Zanzibar Federation of Public Service Unions
- #PSI
- #Africa & Arab Countries
- #English-speaking Central, East and West Africa
- #Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
- #Tax Justice
- #Zanzibar Public and Allied Workers Union
Guia sindical: Enfrentando a violência no trabalho
Com o apoio Fundação Friedrich Ebert (FES) no Brasil, a ISP lançou um guia sindical pela ratificação da Convenção n°190 ...
Building Resilience Across Borders: A Policy Brief on Health Worker Migration
PSI, together with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), is launching a new publication, “Building Resilience Across Borde...
Tax Brief 2 - Taxing Multinationals as Single Global Firms
The root of many of the problems with corporate taxation is that multinational corporations are not taxed as single glob...
The other virus: tax fraud
In addition to explaining how the unequal tax structures in Latin America limit capacity to fight the pandemic throughou...
Pandemic: Big Business for Transnational Corporations
This article exposes how the clauses contained in free trade treaties known as investor-state dispute resolution (ISDS) ...