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Research into Orpea shows half billion dollars in workers' money lost
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) decision to invest in ORPEA care group, which collapsed following major sca...
Workers in Transition
A Practical Guide for Union Representatives and Trans Union Members from the Canadian Labour Congress.
Guide: Early warning signs of privatization
These are some warning signs that your employer may be getting ready to privatize services.
Darkness at Sunrise: UK Care Homes Shifting Profits Offshore?
This new report reveals that UK care homes shift profits offshore while charging thousands of residents £200 in daily fees.
CICTAR Report: Revera Living Making a Killing
This report from the Center for International Corporate Accountability and Research reveals how Revera - a major private...
Privatization: Same Old Game. Brand New Threats!
Privatization is about corporations making a profit from public services. That doesn't change with new forms of privatiz...
Trashed: How Outsourcing Municipal Solid Waste Collection Kicks Workers to the Curb
This research examines how the outsourcing of the municipal solid waste collection services in Winnipeg has impacted the...
The way forward: Strategic Directions 2017-2019
The Canadian Union of Public Employees set out its strategic plan for 2017-2019 at its national convention, held in earl...
Private Clinics and the Threat to Public Medicare in Canada. Results of Surveys with Private Clinics and Patients
The Ontario Health Coalition has released a report on private healthcare clinics and how they are a threat to Canada's p...