OFiP22 Day 4 - Workshop: Climate Justice

Decolonisation, Indigenous Peoples Rights, Just and Equitable Transitions

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Dec 2, 2022



This conference arises from the increasing awareness of the importance of strong democratic institutions to resolve many of the interconnected global crises: covid, climate and biodiversity, inequality, persistent poverty, discrimination, and more.

By the realisation that our past 50 years consisted of shrinking governments, of outsourcing, privatising and commercialising public services and ceding control of our common institutions to increasingly powerful corporations. And that these crises are largely extensions and evolutions of imperial, colonial and military power struggles to dominate peoples, workers and nature in the pursuit of capital concentration.

It is the willingness of activists from civil society, trade unions, indigenous groups, academia and others to work together, to strengthen our movements and to strengthen our democratic institutions, able to reclaim our lost Commons. The purpose of the conference is to connect different movements and organisations, to build stronger campaigning capabilities to help achieve our common goals.

The climate crisis is accelerating, and the changes are faster than IPCC scientists predicted. Yet the UN climate negotiations plod along, seemingly oblivious to the chaos around the world. The climate crisis is yet one more example of the corporate power that dictates what is possible.

As the planet will inevitably shoot past the 1.5C threshold, how to organise and mobilise?

Objectives of the meeting

  • Link climate crisis to ongoing campaigns and issues

  • Indigenous peoples and public services – unpack some of the issues, e.g., land rights

  • Workers and communities in high-carbon industries, how to transition

  • Which adaptations are essential for the new climate reality

Discussion options

  • Critique, engagement and/or alternatives to the COP process

  • Influencing govts on COP commitments

  • Influencing governments for projects/programmes. Sub-national governments may be easiest to work with i.e., cities, provinces/states. Mitigation in key sectors, adaptation needs.

  • Economic justice and the climate movement – dangers of climate finance (debt burdens, privatisation)

  • How to use Just Transition to strengthen our public services, our economies and our rights and our campaigning

  • How to connect different groups in climate campaigns back home

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