OFiP22 Day 3 - Plenary Panel on Economic Justice
Swimming against the current: economic policies, ideologies and structures for people-centred public services
The daily struggles of peoples around the world — for food, housing, healthcare, employment — are completely tied to the rules that govern the global economy. And if we want to confront deep injustices and asymmetries, global systemic solutions are urgently needed.
This panel will discuss how the entrenchment of neoliberal ideology, policies and economic governance frameworks has shaped the discursive and material possibilities for public services around the world. It will interrogate the advance of privatised and commodified models of public service provision vis-a-vis the systemic constraints for sustainable mobilisation of domestic resources to comply with human rights and meet social demands, particularly in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the debt crises, the climate emergency.
The conversation will also explore the levers for the global feminist, climate and economic justice movements to rebuild a rights-based and progressive agenda for public services grounded on wellbeing for people and the planet.
Keynote speakers:
Emilia Reyes, Programme Director of Policies and Budgets for Equality and Sustainable Development, Equidad de Género
Laura Carvalho, Co-founder of the Research Center on Macroeconomics of Inequality at the University of São Paulo
Jayati Ghosh (online), Co-Chair Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation
Âurea Mouzinho, Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ)
See the campaign page
See the campaign page
The climate emergency, rising inequalities and the COVID-19 pandemic have reaffirmed the failures and limitations of the current neoliberal model to respond to crises and ensure a dignified life for all. Transformation in the organisation of our economy is needed in order to confront the challenges the world is currently facing and to create societies that are fair, inclusive, socially-just, equitable and sustainable.