Check out PSI's analysis from the latest WHO Executive Board, outlining the significant challenges following the withdrawal of the USA and other countries.

The World Health Organization's 156th Executive Board Meeting concluded in Geneva on 11 February, marked by significant developments that could reshape global health governance.

As the only Global Union Federation in official relations with the WHO, PSI took part in the meetings and has prepared the following summary to help unions around the world understand the developments

A major development at this year’s EB was the announcement by the United States government that it would once again withdraw from the WHO - a decision made just a week before the meeting. On 4 February, Argentina also declared its withdrawal, and rumors circulated that Hungary might follow. 

The U.S. is the largest donor to WHO, contributing approximately 15% of its budget. As a result, funding became a central issue in the discussions. Member States urged the WHO Secretariat to provide detailed financial implications for each action point on the agenda. 

However, despite the financial concerns, there was a noticeable lack of deeper discussion on the political and institutional consequences of these withdrawals. The multilateral order built post-World War II was founded on collective governance, with countries agreeing to share some sovereignty for global cooperation. 

Notably, the governments leading these withdrawals share a far-right ideological stance, often promoting nationalism and neoliberal policies that undermine public services and weaken multilateral governance. Their departure threatens state-led international cooperation and strengthens a deeply worrying model of “multistakeholderism’’ where corporate influence overshadows democratic governance, an increasing trend within the United Nations system. 

Financial Implications: The Shift to Private Funding 

To compensate for funding gaps, the WHO is restructuring the WHO Foundation in order to attract more private donors, increasing corporate influence over global health policy. PSI strongly opposes this trend, advocating for greater public investment and State responsibility. A proposal to increase Member State contributions by 20% was introduced but faced opposition from Russia and China. 

Health in Occupied Palestinian Territory 

Discussions on health conditions in Palestine and the West Bank were obstructed by Israel’s attempts to delay proceedings. Despite procedural disruptions, the Executive Board voted overwhelmingly to include the issue in the agenda of the 78th Session of the World Health Assembly (WHA) in May.  

PSI’s Advocacy at the WHO 

PSI delivered statements on key agenda items at the EB-156 affecting health workers and public services, which are as follows: 

  • Universal Health Coverage 

  • Health and Care Workforce 

  • Women’s, Children’s, and Adolescents’ Health 

  • Health Emergencies 

  • Climate Change and Health 

  • Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery  

These topics will be further debated at the World Health Assembly in May, where PSI will continue to push for worker-centered policies. 

Next Steps for PSI Unions 

The 78th World Health Assembly taking place in Geneva on 19-27 May 2025 will be critical for global health policy governance. PSI urges affiliates to engage with their governments to ensure worker representation in decision-making. A detailed brief will be sent out to health and care sector affiliates to engage them in advocacy efforts related to the significant agenda items of the WHA.  


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