In the decisive stage for the ratification of ILO Convention 190, PSI affiliates have met with the president of the Women's Commission to analyze the legislative scenario and demand that this important international instrument be adopted.

In Costa Rica, the ratification of Convention 190 of the International Labor Organization (ILO), a key instrument to ensure a world of work free of violence and harassment, is at a decisive stage.

Following the affirmative opinion of the Social Affairs Committee in August 2023, the Legislative Assembly currently has in its hands the bill for the ratification of the Convention, which will have to go through plenary discussion and voting. For this process, the Costa Rican affiliates consider that it will be crucial to carry out awareness-raising work with the different party benches, highlighting the concrete benefits that ratification will bring to the country.

As a way to begin this work, on January 13, the National Association of Public and Private Employees (ANEP), the National Association of Nursing Professionals (ANPE) and the National Association of Judicial Employees (ANEJUD), together with regional representatives of Public Services International (PSI), met with Congresswoman Carolina Delgado Ramírez, president of the Women's Commission of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica, to analyze the legislative scenario.

Rebeca Céspedes Leader of the National Association of Public and Private Employees (ANEP).

"The union area was a bit asleep on this issue. So we made the decision to personally go to the Legislative Assembly to seek information and dialogue with the deputies."

"In Costa Rica, the trade union area was a bit asleep on this issue," comments Rebeca Céspedes, leader of the National Association of Public and Private Employees (ANEP). "So we made the decision to go personally to the Legislative Assembly to seek information and dialogue with the deputies".

The leader explains that after the approval by the commission, conversations were resumed with Congresswoman Carolina Delgado, who reaffirmed her commitment to promote the process. "Now we need 37 votes for the Convention to be ratified and the corresponding regulations to be implemented. It is essential to work on the political side and talk to civil society," said Céspedes. According to the leader, one of the agreements of the meeting was to start disseminating more information about the Convention. "It is essential to carry out what we call 'citizen unionism': to go to every corner, as we have done on other occasions, and talk to people and workers because many do not know anything about this agreement. We must explain to them the importance of this ratification, and talk to employers and governments. I believe that this has to happen through the trade union.

Since the adoption of the Convention at the ILO Centennial Conference in 2019, PSI affiliated unions in Costa Rica have carried out intense advocacy work with governmental and legislative actors. This effort seeks to highlight the importance of ratifying this international labor standard, which promotes the right to a world of work free of violence and harassment. It also redefines the labor sphere beyond a specific place, extending its protection to all sectors and actors in the world of work without exceptions.

Sonia Alfaro, from the Association of Nursing Professionals A.N.P.E., recalls that the ratification of C190 is of utmost importance for the health sector. "Our organization represents 85% of women professional nursing workers who at some point face very difficult situations in their work, so this approach for us as a union has been very important."

Convention 190 not only represents a guarantee against discrimination, but also addresses violence and harassment from a comprehensive and intersectional approach, with special attention to groups in vulnerable situations. In particular, it emphasizes gender-based violence, consolidating measures for protection, prevention, investigation and punishment. It also guarantees support for victims in both the public and private sectors.

Therefore, it is important for trade unions the coordinated work between feminist organisations, young women, representatives of diversities and persons with disabilities, who were at the meeting and provided key elements of the benefits of the ratification of C190.

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