Support UNISON Striking Workers: #TogetherWeRise
Jan 12, 2023
The new year has opened with health and care workers back at the barricades. In Britain, where 2022 ended with the beginning of a historic strike wave, ambulance workers are back on the picket line. They are members of UNISON, an affiliate of PSI. And they need your support.
The new year has opened with health and care workers back at the barricades. In Britain, where 2022 ended with the beginning of a historic strike wave, ambulance workers are back on the picket line. They are members of UNISON, an affiliate of the Public Services International (PSI). And they need your support.
In the coming week, workers in the British Environment Agency will also go on strike for the first time in history. Workers in Britain, as in several parts of the world have been pushed to the wall. Cost of living has become unbearable. For decades, particularly since the global financial crisis, real wages have declined or remained stagnant. The situation workers face has now gone from very bad to dangerously terrible.
UNISON and affiliates of PSI across the world will have to keep up the fight to win this year. Our members have a right to Decent Work. This includes fair pay. But governments have shown that they will not give us our rights on a platter of gold.
The unfolding struggle of workers in Britain heralds the immense struggles we will all have to wage in our different countries across the world this year. We must meet each of these with solidarity across our borders, starting now.
Support the workers on strike. Stand with all workers taking action. You can take action in several ways:
Send a tweet to show them they have your full support, anywhere you are in the world.
Write a letter of solidarity to UNISON and circulate this widely.
Demand fair pay for members of your union, as UNISON is doing.
Take the struggle forward #TogetherWeRise