Make your support for the call for public services of care with decent work visible by joining our actions on social networks on Friday, June 21, using this toolkit


The "If Care is for All, It is Public" campaign is dedicated to advocating for care as a fundamental human right and a public good. This campaign highlights the importance of universal access to quality public care services. Everyone, regardless of economic status, should have access to high-quality public care services.

Central to the campaign is the focus on the recognition and dignity of care workers. These essential workers often face inadequate compensation and poor working conditions. The campaign advocates for fair wages, dignified working conditions, and proper recognition to uplift the status of care workers, ensuring they are respected and valued for their contributions.

What you can do:

Use the hashtags #IfCareIsForAllItIsPublic #PublicServiceDay. Feel free to use the suggested social media messages below or create your own!

Follow and tag @ISPinteramerica and retweet/repost when the Public Service Day action begins on 21st June 2024.

Use the campaign's poster and the cards for social media

Your action will help amplify the voices of healthcare workers and civil society across the world!

 Suggested Posts/Reposts

👥 Public care services ensure that everyone, regardless of their economic status, has access to the necessary care. Support this mission by signing #IfCareIsForAllItIsPublic petition! #CareForAll

🌐 Access to quality public care services is a right and a necessity for everyone. Support the importance of public care services by signing #IfCareIsForAllItIsPublic petition!

🏥 Care is a fundamental human right that must be protected and promoted. To reinforce the need for universal access to quality care services, sign the petition #IfCareIsForAllItIsPublic.

👷‍♀️👨‍⚕️Care workers deserve recognition and dignified working conditions. This service public day support them by signing #IfCareIsForAllItIsPublic petition!

✊It's crucial to recognize and value care work and care workers.  This service public day support them by signing #IfCareIsForAllItIsPublic petition!

👩‍⚕️ Care should not depend on families or their financial resources, as this often impacts #women disproportionately. It must be seen as a social responsibility and a public good. Join us to make care a right for everyone! Sign the #IfCareIsForAllItIsPublic petition!

Prioritize people's well-being over profit and support decent working conditions for care workers by signing the  #IfCareIsForAllItIsPublic petition!

Suggested Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp messages

🏥 Care is a fundamental human right that must be protected and promoted. To ensure everyone has access to quality care services, sign the #IfCareIsForAllItIsPublic petition! Let's make care a right for everyone.

👷‍♀️👨‍⚕️ Care workers deserve recognition and dignified working conditions. This Public Service Day, support them by signing the #IfCareIsForAllItIsPublic petition! Show your support and make a difference!

✊ Everyone deserves access to quality public care services. Support this mission by signing the #IfCareIsForAllItIsPublic petition! Join us in making care a right for everyone.

🌐 Access to public care services should be a universal right! The #IfCareIsForAllItIsPublic campaign is committed to making this vision a reality. By signing this petition, you support the fight for equitable and high-quality care services for everyone. Join us in this important cause and sign the petition today!


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