Conferencia en Chile reúne a movimientos de todo el mundo para luchar contra las múltiples crisis
Nov 28, 2022
A lo largo de cuatro intensos días - del 29 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre - lxs participantes intercambiarán ideas, establecerán alianzas y, lo que es más importante, desarrollarán estrategias compartidas para dar impulso a un programa de cambio verdaderamente justo y transformador. #OFIP22
Convened among others by PSI, the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Transnational Institute and the Society for International Development, the Our Future is Public Conference is supported by over 40 leading social movements and civil society organizations.
Over the course of four intense days, the participants will exchange ideas, build alliances, and most importantly develop shared strategies to build momentum a genuinely just and transformative agenda for change. Together, they will tease out the linkages between four key themes: the climate emergency, gender equality, economic justice, and public democratic ownership.
At the heart of this crucial effort lies the understanding that a better future, in which both human rights and the environment are protected, can only be achieved through the democratization of both the global and national economies.
More than a dozen sectoral groups, with expertise in everything from education, health, social protection and the care economy to transportation, energy, water, housing and the rights of marginalized communities such as indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities, will collaborate in developing a shared vision.
The first two days of the Our Future is Public Conference will be devoted to sectoral meetings on these issues and many more. The final two days will then bring together all movements and organisations for a collective discussion on cross-cutting themes including the climate emergency, gender equality, economic and tax justice, and democratic ownership.
Speakers will include PSI General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli; UN Independent Expert on Debt and Human Rights Attiya Waris; former United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights Magdalena Sepúlveda; and Minister of Environment of Chile Maisa Rojas.
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La emergencia climática, el aumento de las desigualdades y la pandemia del COVID-19 han reafirmado los fallos y las limitaciones del actual modelo neoliberal para responder a las crisis y garantizar una vida digna para todos. Es necesaria una transformación en la organización de nuestra economía para afrontar los retos que el mundo tiene actualmente y crear sociedades justas, inclusivas, socialmente justas, equitativas y sostenibles.