Unions Defending Care Workers in COVID-19 Times
Geneva, Switzerland
Oct 25 - Oct 25
In this webinar, frontline care workers and unionists from all regions of the world will tell their stories of the challenges they have faced, the battles for decent work for care workers they have waged, and the victories they have won.
Health and Care workers have been on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response. Working under the stress and strains of the global health emergency, they have provided and continue to provide preventive and clinical services, long-term care, aged care, childcare, ambulatory care and disability care in our hospitals, homes, and communities.
Governments have applauded them. But applause is not enough. As they battle the SARS-CoV-2 virus and save lives, they have equally had to fight for appropriate personal protective equipment and other workplace safety measures, improved staffing levels and remuneration, and in many cases, even the right to organize and collective bargaining.
Across the world, affiliates of Public Services International, have led the struggles of their members, as unions with unflinching commitment to defending care workers in these times and always.
In this webinar, frontline care workers and unionists from all regions of the world will tell their stories of the challenges they have faced, the battles for decent work for care workers they have waged, and the victories they have won.
Join us on Monday 25 October, 4-5.30pm CEST. Interpretation available in English-French-Spanish.
register here
Welcome and general introduction (Baba Aye, PSI Health and Social Services Officer)
The imperative of investment in Decent Work for Care Workers (Rosa Pavanelli, PSI General Secretary)
Australia: Aged Care sector (Jocelyn Hofman, RN, New South Wales Nurses & Midwives Association)
Canada: Long-term care sector (Candace Rennick, Canadian Union of Public Employees)
Chile: Health care (Selma Nuñez Parada, FENPRUSS)
India: Public Health Care (Archana Nagpure, Contract Health Workers Union)
Italy: Hospital care (Luca Scarpiello, FP-CGIL)
Tunisia: Public Health Services (Othmen Jallouli, National Federation for Workers in the Public Health Services)
United Kingdom: Nursing Care (Stuart Tuckwood, UNISON, TBC)
United States of America: Medical and surgical care (Michelle Thoman, American Federation of Teachers, AFT)
Zimbabwe: Nursing services (Enock Dongo, Zimbabwe Nurses Association, ZINA)