LRG WG2: Trade Union Strategies for Remunicipalisation/Insourcing

Geneva, Switzerland

Jun 14 - Jun 14

13:00 - 16:00 CEST

This workshop will look at how remunicipalisation/in-sourcing can be used as trade union strategy to win jobs and conditions at the workplace.

This workshop will look at how remunicipalisation/in-sourcing can be used as trade union strategy to win jobs and conditions at the workplace.


This is the 2022 workshop of the PSI Global LRG Network’s Working Group on Remunicipalisation/In-sourcing (WG2). The workshop will look at how remunicipalisation/in-sourcing can be a trade union strategy to win jobs and better conditions at the workplace, as well as to grow union membership in local public services.


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 13h00-14h00 (60’) - Ongoing Trade Union Remunicipalisation Campaigns: experiences from Asia-Pacific

Opening contributions by:

  • Daniel Papps , Manager of Industrial, Rules, Governance, and Compliance, USU/ASU, Australia

  • Sunghee Oh, Director of International Relations, KPTU, South Korea

Followed by Q&A

Speaker presentations

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14h00-14h50 (50’) - Better Public Services, Better Jobs: De-privatisation as an Industrial Relations Strategy

Opening contributions by:

  • James Lazou, Unite Researcher, Health, Local Authorities and Not-for-Profit Sectors UNITE, UK

  • Donna Rowe-Merrimann, National Secretary, Business, Community and Environment, UNISON, UK

 Followed by Q&A

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14h50-15h30 (40’) - WG2 Member Discussions in Breakout Rooms

 Followed by Plenary Reporting


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15.30-15.45  (15’) - Latest Remunicipalisation Analyses from Public Futures

Update by:

  • Franziska Paul, Research Associate in Global Remunicipalisation, University of Glasgow, UK

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15.30-15.45 (15’) Conclusions and Next Steps

Guidance & Resources

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Guidance Questions

  • How can we build a remunicipalisation/in-sourcing campaign around pay and conditions and permanent employment?

  • How can labour arguments be made compelling with local administration and service users?

  • How can we organise, mobilise and grow membership through remunicipalisation/in-sourcing campaigns?

  • How can the trade union(s) and progressive civil society allies establish a monitoring process and legal safeguards to protect services from future re-privatisation?

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Background resources

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