Corporate Power and the Fight For Democracy in Global Institutions
Brussels, Belgium - Virtual event
Sep 23 - Sep 23
13:30 - 15:30 CEST
PSI joined ITUC's webinar to discuss how multinational's are corrupting multilateralism - and how we make global policy that services people over profit.
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PSI joined ITUC's webinar to discuss how multinational's are corrupting multilateralism - and how we make global policy that services people over profit.

Time: 5 minutes
Delivered by: Jordania Urena, ITUC
Panel 1: How do unions use international institutions to build worker power?
Time: 15 mins
Moderator: Philippe Gousenbourger, ITUC
Key message: Union work in global institutions yields material wins and is crucial to countermanding the undemocratic influence of employers and multinational corporations in those spaces.
Setting standards and definitions (platform, living wages) (Maite Llanos, ITUC)
Expanding and protecting fundamental rights (OHS, right to strike) (Zuzanna Muskat-Gorska, ITUC)
Steering governments to meet workers’ needs (development, social protection, Just Transition) (Evelyn Astor, ITUC)
Panel 2: Who are Corporate Underminers of Democracy and how do they undermine democracy at work, in societies, and in global institutions?
Time: 40 mins
Introduced by: Todd Brogan, ITUC
Panel Moderator: Natalie Swan, Business and Human Rights Resource Center
Key message: These seven companies are emblematic of the anti-democratic practice and influence of global corporations and their financing of the anti-democratic far-right.
How do ExxonMobil, Glencore, and Tesla undermine democracy? (Walton Pantland, IndustriAll)
How do Amazon, Meta, and Vanguard undermine democracy? (Nick Rudikoff, UNI)
How are they supporting the far-right? (David Adler, Progressive International)
How does all of this impact global institutions? (Todd Brogan, ITUC)
Panel 3: How can we strengthen global institutions to rein in corporate power and expand democracy?
Time: 35 mins
Moderator: Todd Brogan, ITUC
Key message: One way to overcome corporate power and the far-right is by reforming global institutions to ensure they reflect the democratic will of all working people.
Implementing minimum living wages (Plamen Dimitrov, CITUB)
Reforming the global tax system to win universal social protection (Daniel Bertossa, PSI)
Reforming the sovereign debt system and winning debt cancellation (Fanny Sequeira Mata, General Secretary, CTRN Costa Rica)
Winning a binding treaty on business and human rights (Mary Karimu, TUC Ghana)
Question and Answer Session
Time: 20 minutes
Moderator: Todd Brogan, ITUC
Call to action
Time: 5 minutes
Delivered by: Jordania Urena, ITUC
Share the Corporate Underminers list with workers organising in your country
Sign and share our petition on a binding treaty
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