The new administration is pushing hard to liberalize privatization requirements

The new administration is pushing hard to liberalize privatization requirements. Newly appointed investment partnerships secretary Moreira Franco says the current PPP model, which was put together by the administration of suspended president Dilma Rousseff, “cannot survive the way it is.” Franco is in charge of concessions, public-private partnerships and privatization issues in the country.”. Interim president Michel Temer has signed a “public private partnership” bill. “Falling under the country's partnership and investment program, the bill aims to stimulate public-private partnerships for infrastructure projects, as well as other privatization measures. Among other things, it assigns federal government funding for concession agreements with federal, state and municipal governments. According to [Franco], more specifics will be contained in decrees to regulate the legislation. These will define long-term federal policies, specify qualified enterprises for the implementation process, and detail guidelines for structuring, bidding and contracting.”

Published on

May 16, 2016

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