the labor party has outlined its conditions for approving the tpp as negotiated by the government
The Labor Party has outlined its conditions for approving the TPP as negotiated by the government
The Labor Party has outlined its conditions for approving the TPP as negotiated by the government. “Other provisions Labor has identified as prohibited are those that require the privatization of public services, undermine the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, undermine Australia's anti-dumping laws, limit the ability of the Australian government to regulate in the interests of public welfare or in relation to safe products, undermine mandatory skills testing requirements and place restrictions on government procurement.” Nevertheless, “ACTU president Michele O'Neil called the new conditions, which Mr. Clare outlined in a private member’s bill, as ‘a seismic shift in ALP trade policy. The ACTU maintains its opposition to the TPP and its enabling legislation. The [private member's] bill sets out a new course for trade in our country after years of damaging deals by the Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison government, which put big business profits ahead of working people,’ she said. AMWU national secretary Paul Bastian, whose union was one of the most vocal critics of the TPP, remained disappointed with what he said was Labor's betrayal of workers. ‘However, we acknowledge that workers raised concerns and Bill Shorten listened. Now it’s time for [Prime Minister] Scott Morrison to do the same.’”