the fight against privatization was part of the successful struggle for a new constitution for the federal capital
The fight against privatization was part of the successful struggle for a new constitution for the federal capital
Interviewed by PSI, SUTGDF president Juan Ayala Ribero says the fight against privatization was part of the successful struggle for a new constitution for the federal capital. “We also managed to include clauses excluding any form of privatization of public services, which the constitution recognizes to belong to the citizens. So we have excluded any participation by private capital or privatization in the form of public-private partnerships or commercial agreements such as TISA and TPP. The constitution recognizes that water is an irrevocable and non-negotiable human right and that Mexico City has the duty to guarantee water to all its citizens.” Ayala Ribero also said “we are very worried about the wave of privatization affecting essential services in many countries, services that have traditionally been examples of the defense and promotion of public services, especially in Europe.”