NAPE search for info about Eastern Health contracts stonewalled

Jerry Earle, president of the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (NAPE), says “efforts by the union to uncover contractual details about three private companies providing services for Eastern Health are being challenged by the companies. (…) These services were previously offered by unionized Eastern Health employees, but have since been privatized, said Earle.” The NAPE leader called this “one of the biggest drawbacks of privatization,” and said “you do business with public bodies and with public funds, you have an obligation to be transparent. These corporations obviously put their business interests ahead of the public's right to know.” NAPE identified the companies as Morrison Healthcare/Compass Group/Crothall Healthcare, Paladin Security and Vinci Park/Indigo.

Published on

Mar 29, 2016

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