“It is a privatization of health services of teachers!”

The Coalition of Education Workers of Coahuila demonstrates to demand quality health services and decent pensions from Governor of Coahuila, Miguel Angel Riquelme (PRI). The teachers cite embezzlement from the pension fund and a drop in the quality of medical services. The administration of Rubén Moreira promised audits that were not performed, and pushed laws to require higher charges for providing medical care. “It is a privatization of health services of teachers.” They warned that a law passed in December by the PRI majority in Congress, which the teachers say is unconstitutional, means that in a few days retired teachers and their families may not receive medical attention if they do not cover payments for 30 percent of the value of the service. [El Norte.com, 14 March 2018]

Published on

Mar 13, 2018

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