Stay strong, Korean public workers! Stop labour repression!
Oct 6, 2016
Trade unions in Korea are campaigning for the Park Geun-hye government’s proposed legislation for a discriminatory performance-related pay and termination system for public sector workers to be cancelled. They held a huge general strike and rally on 27 September and are now asking for international solidarity support.
The unions are still facing opposition from the government that called the rail strike illegal and has suspended subway workers. We call upon PSI affiliates to demand that the Korean government and employers stop their violations of public sector workers’ fundamental labour rights.
As a first step, South Korean trade unions ask PSI affiliates to take photos of groups of workers holding these signs:
Yellow background - Red background - Navy blue background in order to send solidarity pictures to their Korean sisters and brothers.
Please send your solidarity photos to [email protected].
Please use the hashtags #KoreanStrike4Justice #UnionRightsKorea and #QualityPublicServices and include @psiglobalunion when sharing your photos on Twitter.
Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SS8CU2WcuA
For more details: http://www.koreanstrike4justice.org
Join the LabourStart campaign!