Public Hearing into Privatisation and Public Debt in Pakistan
May 30, 2023
- #Pakistan
- #Public-Private Partnerships
- #All Pakistan WAPDA Hydro Electric Workers Union
- #Public Sector Employees Federation of Pakistan
- #All Pakistan Federation of Muzdoor Unions
- #All Pakistan Labour Federation
- #PSI
- #Privatisation
- #Asia & Pacific
- #South Asia
- #All Pakistan United Irrigation Employee Federation
- #People's Inquiry into Privatisation and Public Debt in Pakistan
PSI, FES Pakistan office, and PSI affiliates are organising two public hearings to help begin a conversation with the community about the role of government in delivering services and developing an alternate vision for public services. We are calling for oral and written submissions of individuals and organisations to build evidence and highlight the impact of privatisation failures and IMF loan conditionalities on delivery of quality public services, jobs, workers, communities.