Letter to Thessaloniki water bidders
Jun 30, 2013
Please support the letter to the investors and companies that wish to partake in the privatisation of the water company of Thessaloniki. We ask them to withdraw their bid as they are not wanted in Thessaloniki.
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Please take action
Dear friends and colleagues,
We kindly ask you to support the attached letter to the investors and companies that wish to participate in the privatisation of the water company of Thessaloniki, Greece.
We ask these companies to withdraw their bids, as they are not wanted in Thessaloniki.
It is a simple and concrete way in which we can assist the unions, municipalities and social movements in Greece.
If your organisation wants to co-sign, please send an email to: Gabriella Zanzanaini, Food and Water Europe [email protected]
Please indicate
the name of the organisation,
your name
country (or European or international organisation)
email for correspondence
The Greek government under pressure of the Troika (European Commission, European Central Bank and IMF) has agreed to privatise a larger number of public services and companies. Among these are the water companies of Athens and Thessaloniki.
The privatisation process of Thessaloniki has now begun and the first offers have been received. There are two consortia made up of:
French-based utility Suez Environment SA and Greek construction group Aktor.
The second consortium includes Mekorot Development and Enterprise Ltd., a unit of Israel's national water company, along with Miya Water Projects Netherlands BV (owned by Israeli group Arison Investments), Greece's Terna Energy (TENERGY.AT) and G. Apostolopoulos S.A. Holdings.
We want to address these companies and their main shareholders to let them know that the companies are not wanted by the people of Thessaloniki and that the people have broad support.
Thank you for your rapid response and support,
Rosa Pavanelli
PSI General Secretary
We do not want you in Thessaloniki, Please withdraw your bid.
The press has reported that your company is participating in a bid for Eyath, the Thessaloniki Water and Sewage Company. We ask you to withdraw your bid.
You will be aware that the privatisation of Eyath is opposed by the citizens of the city, by the workers as well as by the municipalities of Thessaloniki. The only reason that this privatisation is going ahead is because it is imposed by the Greek government, itself under pressure from the Troika to reduce Greek debt. There is nothing noble in profiting from this privatisation for you and your company. People in Thessaloniki, supported by many groups are concerned that you pursue profits at the expense of workers and citizens. As in other places, you will likely face years of protracted opposition both in Thessaloniki, Greece and across the world. These struggles are well documented. The companies involved find their reputations tarnished, their credibility in shreds, their risks increased and profits limited. We believe your bid is based on a feeble business case. We would hope that corporations today don’t base their business model on opportunism, nor venture into initiatives where they are clearly unwelcome.
There is an alternative to your bid that is supported by the workers of Eyath, by Thessonikians, by the municipalities and us. That is to keep water in public
ownership and ensure it can continue to deliver a high quality service. It is based on the fact that water is a common good and access to drinking water and sanitation is a basic human right as recognized by the UN (2010) and the successful European Citizens Initiative Water a Human Right.
We therefore ask you to withdraw your bid and let the citizens of Thessaloniki determine the future of Eyath.
Yours sincerely,
Signed by
Initiative 136, Greece
SEEYATH, Somateio Ergazomenon EYATH, Greece
SOStetoNERO, Greece
Save Greek Water, Greece
Action from Ireland, Ireland
Agua de Todos, Portugal
Abvakabo FNV, The Netherlands
Associação Sindical dos Profissionais da Inspecção Tributária, Portugal
ATTAC Norway
Berliner Wassertisch, Germany
Centro di Volontariato Internazionale, Italia
Coordination Eau Île-de-France, France
Corporate Europe Observatory
Coordination Rhône-Méditerranée des Associations des Usagers de l'Eau, France
Eau Bien Commun PACA, France
Eau Secours 34, France
Ecologistas en Acción, Spain
European Federation of Public Service Unions
Federacion de Empleados Publicos de la Union Sindical Obrera, España
Food & Water Europe
Gemeingut in BürgerInnenhand (GiB), Germany
Institut Européen de Recherche sur la Politique de l'Eau, Belgium
Pancyprian Freedom Guild Worker Water Boards, Cyprus
Social Development Cooperative, The Netherlands
SIPTU Services Industrial Professional and Technical Union, Ireland
The Corner House, UK
Organic Agriculture Association, Albania
Re:Common, Italy
VISION, Sweden thesss
Vodovod I Kanalizacija, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Water Movement Norway
WIB “Wasser in Bürgerhand”, Germany
Zukunftskonvent, Germany
Alliance of Government Workers in the Water Sector, Philippines
Blue Planet Project, Canada
Canadian Union of Public Employees, Canada
Federación Nacional de Trabajadores del Agua Potable del Peru, Peru
Food & Water Watch, USA
Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development
KRuHA people's coalition for the right to water, Indonesia
The Council of Canadians, Canada
Transnational Institute
Public Services International
Su Hakki Kampanyasi, Turkey
Swarna Hansa Foundation, Sri Lanka
Water & Energy Users' Federation (WAFED), Nepal
David McDonald, Professor, Queen’s University, Canada
Lucienne THIPHAINE, journaliste et plasticienne. France