Ecuador earthquake: Solidarity call for aid
Apr 26, 2016
Following the devastating earthquake that took place in Ecuador on 16 April, PSI is calling on all affiliates to donate to the PSI Ecuador Relief Fund. The funds will be used for the immediate relief and assistance of our members, to help rebuild infrastructure and to halt the repressive labour policies ensuring that workers and trade unions can participate in the rebuilding of public services.
Many of you have heard of the devastating magnitude 7.8 earthquake and the hundreds of aftershocks in Ecuador over the past ten days. The PSI staff person in Ecuador, Verónica Montúfar, has been in contact with all of our affiliates, which allows us to get a direct perspective on the consequences and a list of their immediate needs.
We confirm the reports from the news media that damage is extensive and that many communities were not prepared with the necessary emergency response mechanisms. In many of the remote communities, public services were very weak. The medical workers union called on its members to volunteer for emergency duty, working alongside Ministry of Health personnel. Thousands of public emergency workers and military personnel continue to work in the affected areas.
Based on the initial survey of the damage, the unions will need significant external assistance to rebuild their infrastructure in order to support their members. Rebuilding will be long and difficult.
PSI will also support the affiliates in their medium and long-term efforts to halt the repressive labour policies and to ensure that workers and trade unions can participate in the rebuilding of public services, including the strengthening of emergency response structures and staffing. Public employers should take advantage of the skills and expertise of our members and their unions to rebuild more resilient and more equitable communities.
PSI has created the Ecuador Relief Fund and we call on all affiliates to send in their support. Ms. Montúfar has provided us with an initial list of emergency supplies to help our affiliates in the immediate aftermath. PSI General Secretary, Rosa Pavanelli, has authorised the release of US$10,000 from the PSI Aid Fund to meet these immediate needs.
All bank transfers must have the reference "PSI Aid Fund – Ecuador 2016”. Please remember to include your affiliate number in the text of all bank transfers, to ensure that contributions are directed accordingly, and to inform PSI at psiaidfund@world-psi.org when making a transfer. This enables PSI to acknowledge your donation with a letter and a certificate. Banking details are as follows:
Internationale des Services Publics (PSI)
Account No. 298 630 31 06 90-0 or IBAN CH72 0844 0298 6303 1069 0
Swift code: BCLRCHBB
Bank name and address: Banque Coop, CP 3828, CH-1211 Geneva 3, Switzerland
Thanking you in advance for your generous support.
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