Care Manifesto: Rebuilding the social organisation of care
Jan 1, 2025
Today, we are at a crossroads. Covid-19 has brutally exposed the long standing multiple and intersecting crises across the world.
Join us in a global movement calling to rebuild the social organisation of care. It is time to recognise the social and economic value of care work (paid or not) and the human right to care. Sign the manifesto.
At the center of these crises is the care work historically shouldered by women. Care is the daily reproduction of life, the foundation upon which life itself exists - human and planetary - and economies function.
The current social organisation of care: how care needs are met; the interrelation of unpaid care work, (under) paid care work, public provisioning, private provisioning and community based care arrangements is fundamentally unbalanced, unequal and ultimately unsustainable. It places the burden, the weight, and the majority of the work necessary on women’s care and domestic work.
At home and within communities, through global care chains where women living in poverty, black and brown women from the Global South fill in the care gap while being underpaid and in precarious work conditions through services, both public and private. This injustice is doubled and tripled in the case of women who experience multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination because of their class, race, sexual orientation/ identification, disability, age or migrant status, amongst other dimensions.
"Reward" - Fixing the Care Crisis
This care crisis undergirded by a gender and racialised international division of labour must end!
States often excuse their failure to realize women’s rights by citing their lack of financial resources. The broken international tax system - and the neoliberal economic system at large - continues to facilitate extraction of wealth from the people - in particular from the Global South - while concentrating it into the hands of an elite few - mostly men in the Global North.
Meanwhile, deregulation, privatization, fiscal consolidation (austerity) and crushing neo-colonial debt burdens further entrench these extreme power imbalances between women and men, Global South and Global North, workers and corporations. This depletes global and local resources to fund quality public care services and allow for decent, well paid care work and universal social protection.
Within this context, regressive national tax policies, often encouraged or imposed by international financial institutions, undermine States’ responsibility to provide public services that ensure rights.
We demand an end to the dominant paradigm and economic system that not only undermines women’s rights but exacerbates gender inequality. We demand an end to States’ lack of willingness, resource allocations, and capacity to organise care as a public good. We reject and challenge the corporate capture of many of the States who are failing to comply with their obligation to respect, protect and fulfil human rights. We demand that States resource care as a public good and a collective social responsibility, rather than a household’s "private" responsibility which mainly falls to women. This path leads to the breakdown of humanity and the planet, as it breaks down women. We must end it now!
Caroline Othim, Global Alliance for Tax Justice, explains why we must RECLAIM the public nature of Care, one of the 5Rs of our joint Care Manifesto: Rebuilding the Social Organisation of Care
RECLAIM the Public Nature of Care
We call for crafting a global movement to rebuild the social organisation of care joining forces to:
Recognise the social and economic value of care work (paid or not) and the human right to care.
Reward, remunerate and represent care work and care workers with professionalized work, equal pay for work of equal value, adequate pensions, comprehensive social protection, healthy and safe working conditions, strong representation, full exercise of their rights to unionisation, collective bargaining and social dialogue in line with the ILO's Decent Work Agenda. [Updated on 20 February from the original "Reward and remunerate care work with equal pay for work of equal value, decent pensions, dignified working conditions and comprehensive social protection".]
Reduce the burden of unpaid care work on women.
Redistribute care work within households, among all workers, eliminating the sexual division of labour and between households and State.
Reclaim the public nature of care services and restore the duty and the primary responsibility of the State to provide public care services and develop care systems that transform gender relations and women's lives - including by financing State´s capacity to invest through fair and progressive taxation and ensuring internationally equal taxing rights of nation States.
RECOGNISE the Human Right to Care
#MakeCarePublic #MakeTaxesWorkForWomen
It's clear we need a new model which puts caring for people ahead of caring for profits, says Rosa Pavanelli on Global Day of Action for Care. Recognising, rewarding, reducing, redistributing and reclaiming care work is the radical and essential method needed to create a system which truly cares for us all.
Who cares? Fixing the care crisis
Sign the Manifesto
We demand that States resource care as a public good and a collective social responsibility, rather than a household’s "private" responsibility which mainly falls to women.
AgustinaUBA Argentina
2 months agoAnonymous signature
3 months agoLiliana Guzman Colombia
4 months agoFernanda WanderleyInstituto de Investigaciones Socio-Económicas de la Universidad Católica Boliviana Bolivia
5 months agoRemco van de PasUNU-IIGH Malaysia
5 months agoRICARDO RAMÌREZFrente Nacional por la Salud de los Pueblos del Ecuador (FNSPE) Ecuador
5 months agoDora Eva Serna CastañedaSINTRAESTATALES Nacional Subdirectiva La Estrella Colombia
5 months agoRegis MtutuOxfam in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
5 months agocandelaria ARAOZ FALCONPeople´s Health Movement Argentina
6 months agoMariel Lazaroff Gobierno local Argentina
7 months agoElisabeth SechserCaring Economy. Jetzt Austria
7 months agoIna Praetoriushttps://wirtschaft-ist-care.org Switzerland
8 months agoAnonymous signature
9 months agoAnonymous signature
9 months agoDiana Dolores Luna García SNTSS ( Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Seguro Social) Mexico
9 months agoMarcolina Infante Ramirez Sindicato de trabajadoras del hogar SINTTRAHOL Peru
9 months agoCarol BartonWomen in Migration Network (WIMN) United States
10 months agoAnonymous signature
11 months agoMaud ProvostRéseau d'action des femmes en santé et services sociaux Canada
11 months agoPaola CymentWomen in Migration Network (WIMN) Argentina
11 months agoDaniel OuellettePacifica Housing Advisory Association Canada
11 months agoJosée GrenierUniversité du Québec en Outaouais Canada
11 months agoAnonymous signature
11 months agoLaura Raquel PiaggioSANAR Foundation Argentina
12 months agoAnonymous signature
12 months agoGenevieve LamarcheCoalition solidarite sante Canada
12 months agoLiette St-ArnaudCSN Canada
12 months agoRemtane Snapap Algeria
12 months agoMartin GiambroniUNION DE EMPLEADOS DE LA JUSTICIA DE LA NACION Argentina
12 months agoAnonymous signature
about 1 year agoMg Noemí DalmolínOrientar Asoc Civil Argentina
over 1 year agoMariana AntonOxfam Portugal
over 1 year agoJessica WoodroffeGender and Development Network United Kingdom
over 1 year agoGrace Baquerizo Peru
almost 2 years agoIris VegaComité Mujeres ISP Perú Peru
almost 2 years agoIbis Fernández CGTP Peru
almost 2 years agoAymar KISSENGORI CSTG Gabon
about 2 years agoIona ConnerGrassroots Coalition News United States
about 2 years agomaria herrero canela@sindicatdemares Spain
about 2 years agoJuno EllisonUniversity of Manchester United Kingdom
about 2 years agoAna CansadoCEDIS Global
about 2 years agoBarbara CameronYork University Canada
about 2 years agoAnonymous signature
about 2 years agoAnonymous signature
over 2 years agoGlenda VizcainoUDLA Ecuador
over 2 years agoDanielle DubucPSAC-AFPC Canada
over 2 years agoHiroshi TsutomiUniversity of Shizuoka Japan
over 2 years agoAnonymous signature
over 2 years agoJenn PorcariAFT United States
over 2 years agoAnonymous signature
over 2 years agoElisabeth Schroeder-ButterfillUniversity of Southampton United Kingdom
over 2 years agoMarta CastroDescLAB Colombia
over 2 years agoAnonymous signature
over 2 years agofrancoise Canada
over 2 years agoMarko JanzicZknft Croatia
over 2 years agoHabib GUIZACond&d&ration Générale Tunisienne du Travail - CGTT Tunisia
over 2 years agoFédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec-FIQFédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec-FIQ Canada
over 2 years agoLuca ScarpielloCGIL FP Italy
over 2 years agolaura radooracle argentina Argentina
over 2 years agoAnonymous signature
over 2 years agoMarcilloux Fnme cgt France
almost 3 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 3 years agoKathleen LynchKathleen Lynch Ireland
almost 3 years agoRubén FloresUniversity College Dublin Ireland
almost 3 years agoHelene BankCampaign for the Welfare state, Norway Norway
almost 3 years agoJavier Molina RiazueloFSC CCOO Spain
almost 3 years agoAgustina Calcagno South Feminist Futures Zimbabwe
almost 3 years agoSelim mecheriSNAPAP CGATA Algeria
almost 3 years agoFelipe MalleaCoordinador Unidad de Análisis y Estudios - Programa Apoyo a Víctimas - Subsecretaría de Prevención del Delito Chile
almost 3 years agoJerry Detse Mensah-PahHealth Services Workers' Union Ghana
almost 3 years agoPaula Gabriela BarbieriUniversidade Federal do Paraná Brazil
almost 3 years agoDeirdre MortellRethink Ireland Ireland
almost 3 years agoAudrey ProstUniversity College London United Kingdom
almost 3 years agoUnión del Personal Civil de la Nación (UPCN)Unión del Personal Civil de la Nación (UPCN) Argentina
almost 3 years agoCOPE SEPBCOPE SEPB Canada
almost 3 years agoSindicato de Funcionarios Judiciales del Paraguay SIFJUPARSindicato de Funcionarios Judiciales del Paraguay SIFJUPAR Paraguay
almost 3 years agoRepublican Branch Trade Union of Health Workers of Armenia (HWUA)Republican Branch Trade Union of Health Workers of Armenia (HWUA) Armenia
almost 3 years agoColectivo mujeres de asfalto / Fundacion de accion social e integral mujeres de asfaltoColectivo mujeres de asfalto / Fundacion de accion social e integral mujeres de asfalto Ecuador
almost 3 years agoSindicato de Empleados del Ministerio de Hacienda (SINDHAC)Sindicato de Empleados del Ministerio de Hacienda (SINDHAC) Costa Rica
almost 3 years agoUnion of State, Local Government and Public Service Employees (USLGPSEA)Union of State, Local Government and Public Service Employees (USLGPSEA) Armenia
almost 3 years agoNawi - Afrifem Macroeconomics CollectiveNawi - Afrifem Macroeconomics Collective Kenya
almost 3 years agoFederación Unitaria de Trabajadores de la Salud de HondurasFederación Unitaria de Trabajadores de la Salud de Honduras Honduras
almost 3 years agoEcuador Confederation of Free Trade Union Organizations (CEOSL)Ecuador Confederation of Free Trade Union Organizations (CEOSL) Ecuador
almost 3 years agoGlobal Alliance for Tax Justice - GATJGlobal Alliance for Tax Justice - GATJ Global
almost 3 years agoAssociacão de Combate á Precariedade - Precários InflexíveisAssociacão de Combate á Precariedade - Precários Inflexíveis Portugal
almost 3 years agoReHuNa - The Brazilian Network for the Humanization of ChildbirthReHuNa - The Brazilian Network for the Humanization of Childbirth Brazil
almost 3 years agoCSO 'La Strada - Ukraine'CSO 'La Strada - Ukraine' Ukraine
almost 3 years agoSindicato dos Servidores Públicos Federais no Estado de Pernambuco - SINDSEP/PESindicato dos Servidores Públicos Federais no Estado de Pernambuco - SINDSEP/PE Brazil
almost 3 years agoCiudad FeministaCiudad Feminista Chile
almost 3 years agoInstituto EQUITInstituto EQUIT Brazil
almost 3 years agoAsociación del Personal de los Organismos de Control (APOC)Asociación del Personal de los Organismos de Control (APOC) Argentina
almost 3 years agoFederación Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Gráfica, Papeleros y Afines - FENALGRAPFederación Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Gráfica, Papeleros y Afines - FENALGRAP Colombia
almost 3 years agoConfederación Nacional de Funcionarixs de Salud Municipal (CONFUSAM)Confederación Nacional de Funcionarixs de Salud Municipal (CONFUSAM) Chile
almost 3 years agoPublic Services Labor Independent ConfederationPublic Services Labor Independent Confederation Philippines
almost 3 years agoUNISONUNISON United Kingdom
almost 3 years agoCiudadanas CuidandoCiudadanas Cuidando Chile
almost 3 years agoAlliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux APTSAlliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux APTS Canada
almost 3 years agoTransnational Institute (TNI)Transnational Institute (TNI) Netherlands
almost 3 years agoSyndicat National des Agents de l'Administration Publique et Parapublique (SNAAP)Syndicat National des Agents de l'Administration Publique et Parapublique (SNAAP) Senegal
almost 3 years agoBNSK - Bangladesh Nari Sramik Kendra (Bangladesh Women Workers Association)BNSK - Bangladesh Nari Sramik Kendra (Bangladesh Women Workers Association) Bangladesh
almost 3 years agoColetivo Flores de LótusColetivo Flores de Lótus Brazil
almost 3 years agoCoalición Nacional de Mujeres del EcuadorCoalición Nacional de Mujeres del Ecuador Ecuador
almost 3 years agoCenter for Economic and Social Rights - CESRCenter for Economic and Social Rights - CESR Global
almost 3 years agoAsociación nacional de anestesista de HondurasAsociación nacional de anestesista de Honduras Honduras
almost 3 years agoFederation of Parastatal Bodies and Other Unions (FPBOU)Federation of Parastatal Bodies and Other Unions (FPBOU) Mauritius
almost 3 years agoFederação dos Trabalhadores Municipais de Santa Catarina - FETRAM/SCFederação dos Trabalhadores Municipais de Santa Catarina - FETRAM/SC Brazil
almost 3 years agoImpulsac, A.C.Impulsac, A.C. Mexico
almost 3 years agoInternational Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific)International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific) Malaysia
almost 3 years agoCONFETAM/CUTCONFETAM/CUT Brazil
almost 3 years agoTrade Union of Building, Wood and Public Service of Albania (TUBWPSA)Trade Union of Building, Wood and Public Service of Albania (TUBWPSA) Albania
almost 3 years agoNational Union of Government and Federated Workers (NUGFW)National Union of Government and Federated Workers (NUGFW) Trinidad and Tobago
almost 3 years agoAlliance Against Trafficking in Women and Children in Nepal (AATWIN)Alliance Against Trafficking in Women and Children in Nepal (AATWIN) Nepal
almost 3 years agoUnion of Kenya Civil ServantsUnion of Kenya Civil Servants Kenya
almost 3 years agoSindicato dos trabalhadores do CEETEPS - SINTEPSSindicato dos trabalhadores do CEETEPS - SINTEPS Brazil
almost 3 years agoSindicato Único de Trabajadores Profesionistas, Administrativos y Manuales del Poder Judicial del Estado de YucatánSindicato Único de Trabajadores Profesionistas, Administrativos y Manuales del Poder Judicial del Estado de Yucatán Mexico
almost 3 years agoTrade Union of the Health Service and Social Care of the Czech Republic (OS ZSP ČR)Trade Union of the Health Service and Social Care of the Czech Republic (OS ZSP ČR) Czech Republic
almost 3 years agoPublic Services International - PSIPublic Services International - PSI Global
almost 3 years agoAsociación Civil GES Gestión Educativa y SocialAsociación Civil GES Gestión Educativa y Social Argentina
almost 3 years agoLa Strada InternationalLa Strada International Netherlands
almost 3 years agoRed Nicaragüense de Comercio Comunitario (RENICC)Red Nicaragüense de Comercio Comunitario (RENICC) Nicaragua
almost 3 years agoGlobal Alliance Against Traffic in WomenGlobal Alliance Against Traffic in Women Global
almost 3 years agoRight to Education InitiativeRight to Education Initiative Global
almost 3 years agoSyndicat des professionnelles et professionnels du gouvernement du QuébecSyndicat des professionnelles et professionnels du gouvernement du Québec Canada
almost 3 years agoBretton Woods ProjectBretton Woods Project Global
almost 3 years agoNational Association of Nigeria Nurses and MidwivesNational Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives Nigeria
almost 3 years agoMEMPROW - Mentoring and Empowerment Programme for Young WomenMEMPROW - Mentoring and Empowerment Programme for Young Women Uganda
almost 3 years agoLithuanian Trade Union of State, Budget and Public Service Employees (LTUSE)Lithuanian Trade Union of State, Budget and Public Service Employees (LTUSE) Lithuania
almost 3 years agoOrganisation 'Social changes'Organisation 'Social changes' Belarus
almost 3 years agoYWCA CanadaYWCA Canada Canada
almost 3 years agoGlobal Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural RightsGlobal Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Global
almost 3 years agoJamaica Civil Service AssociationJamaica Civil Service Association Jamaica
almost 3 years agoAPWLDAPWLD Thailand
almost 3 years agoSocial WatchSocial Watch Uruguay
almost 3 years agoSITRACORAASANSITRACORAASAN Dominican Republic
almost 3 years agoObservatorio de la Deuda en la GlobalizaciónObservatorio de la Deuda en la Globalización Spain
almost 3 years agoSindicato dos Trabalhadores na Administração Pública e Autarquias no Município de São Paulo (SINDSEP - SP)Sindicato dos Trabalhadores na Administração Pública e Autarquias no Município de São Paulo (SINDSEP - SP) Brazil
almost 3 years agoSindicato Nacional de Empleados Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (SINEDIAN)Sindicato Nacional de Empleados Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (SINEDIAN) Colombia
almost 3 years agoDitman Medical Foundation Chia - Yi Christian Hospital Corporate Union (DMFCYCHCU)Ditman Medical Foundation Chia - Yi Christian Hospital Corporate Union (DMFCYCHCU) Taiwan
almost 3 years agoTax Justice NetworkTax Justice Network Global
almost 3 years agoCooperativa DesbordadaCooperativa Desbordada Chile
almost 3 years agoFederación Sindical de Profesionales de la Salud de la República Argentina (FESPROSA)Federación Sindical de Profesionales de la Salud de la República Argentina (FESPROSA) Argentina
almost 3 years agoAfrican Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET)African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) Global
almost 3 years agoCoordinadora No Más Afp ValdiviaCoordinadora No Más Afp Valdivia Chile
almost 3 years agoResearchers, Academicians and Allied Workers Union (RAAWU)Researchers, Academicians and Allied Workers Union (RAAWU) Tanzania
almost 3 years agoSindicato de Trabajadores de Acuavalle SA ESP (SINTRACUAVALLE)Sindicato de Trabajadores de Acuavalle SA ESP (SINTRACUAVALLE) Colombia
almost 3 years agoFundación Nodo XXIFundación Nodo XXI Chile
almost 3 years agoActionAid InternationalActionAid International Global
almost 3 years agoKenya county goverment workers union - wajir branchKenya county goverment workers union - wajir branch Kenya
almost 3 years agoEuropean Services Strategy Unit/UNISONEuropean Services Strategy Unit/UNISON Ireland
almost 3 years agoUnion Nacional de Empleados UNE - FNT.Union Nacional de Empleados UNE - FNT. Nicaragua
almost 3 years agoSindicato dos Enfermeiros do Rio de Janeiro (SINDENF - RJ)Sindicato dos Enfermeiros do Rio de Janeiro (SINDENF - RJ) Brazil
almost 3 years agoJamaica Association of Local Government OfficersJamaica Association of Local Government Officers Jamaica
almost 3 years agoPION - Sex worker's interestorganization in NorwayPION - Sex worker's interestorganization in Norway Norway
almost 3 years agoSindicato de Trabajadores de la Universidad Nacional (SITUN)Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Universidad Nacional (SITUN) Costa Rica
almost 3 years agoAssociation for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID) Global
almost 3 years agoSindicato de Trabajadores de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (STUNAM)Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (STUNAM) Mexico
almost 3 years agoSERRSERR El Salvador
almost 3 years agoCanadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Canada
almost 3 years agoSindicato dos Enfermeiros do Estado de São PauloSindicato dos Enfermeiros do Estado de São Paulo Brazil
almost 3 years agoAmerican Federation of TeachersAmerican Federation of Teachers United States
almost 3 years agoSisters of Charity FederationSisters of Charity Federation United States
almost 3 years agoWomankind WorldwideWomankind Worldwide Global
almost 3 years agoBermuda Industrial UnionBermuda Industrial Union Bermuda
almost 3 years agoSIGEDIIGSSSIGEDIIGSS Guatemala
almost 3 years agoOxfam InternationalOxfam International Global
almost 3 years agoA ColetivaA Coletiva Portugal
almost 3 years agoFéd. Synd. Employés Santé, Pharmacies & Assimilés du Cameroun (FSESPAC)Féd. Synd. Employés Santé, Pharmacies & Assimilés du Cameroun (FSESPAC) Cameroon
almost 3 years agoUnite the unionUnite the union United Kingdom
almost 3 years agoHopeNowHopeNow Denmark
almost 3 years agoEuropean Federation of Public Service Unions - EPSUEuropean Federation of Public Service Unions - EPSU Global
almost 3 years agoAsociación del Personal Superior de Empresas de Energía (APSEE)Asociación del Personal Superior de Empresas de Energía (APSEE) Argentina
almost 3 years agoShirakat - Partnership for DevelopmentShirakat - Partnership for Development Pakistan
almost 3 years agoConfederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Saúde (CNTS)Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Saúde (CNTS) Brazil
almost 3 years agoNew Zealand Public Service Association (NZPSA)New Zealand Public Service Association (NZPSA) New Zealand
almost 3 years agoSindicato Psicólogos do Estado de São PauloSindicato Psicólogos do Estado de São Paulo Brazil
almost 3 years agoDevelopment Alternatives with Women for a New Era - DAWNDevelopment Alternatives with Women for a New Era - DAWN Global
almost 3 years agoInternational Trade Union Confederation - ITUCInternational Trade Union Confederation - ITUC Global
almost 3 years agoASTRA - Anti trafficking actionASTRA - Anti trafficking action Serbia
almost 3 years agoANEIICHANEIICH Chile
almost 3 years agoABVOABVO Curaçao
almost 3 years agoK.U.L.U. - Women and DevelopmentK.U.L.U. - Women and Development Denmark
almost 3 years agoCentral Autónoma de Trabajadores del PerúCentral Autónoma de Trabajadores del Perú Peru
almost 3 years agoPICUM- Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented MigrantsPICUM- Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants Global
almost 3 years agoHuman Resource Development FoundationHuman Resource Development Foundation Turkey
almost 3 years agoNational Health Workers' Union of Liberia(NAHWUL)National Health Workers' Union of Liberia(NAHWUL) Liberia
almost 3 years agoJICHIROJICHIRO Japan
almost 3 years agoAsociación Yo CuidoAsociación Yo Cuido Chile
almost 3 years agoGhana Registered Nurses and Midwives AssociationGhana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association Ghana
almost 3 years agoLuna Creciente EcuadorLuna Creciente Ecuador Ecuador
almost 3 years agoJamaa REsource InitiativesJamaa REsource Initiatives Kenya
almost 3 years agoDominica Public Service Union (DPSU)Dominica Public Service Union (DPSU) Dominica
almost 3 years agoSINDAGUA - MSSINDAGUA - MS Brazil
almost 3 years agoSt. Lucia Civil Service AssociationSt. Lucia Civil Service Association Saint Lucia
almost 3 years agoKOK - German NGO Network against Trafficking in Human BeingsKOK - German NGO Network against Trafficking in Human Beings Germany
almost 3 years agoGlobal Campaign for Education (GCE)Global Campaign for Education (GCE) Costa Rica
almost 3 years agoAsociación Yo CuidoAsociación Yo Cuido Chile
almost 3 years agoFédération Libre des Agents des Collectivités Locales du Gabon (FAL)Fédération Libre des Agents des Collectivités Locales du Gabon (FAL) Gabon
almost 3 years agoChild Care NowChild Care Now Canada
almost 3 years agoWomen's Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC)Women's Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC) Nepal
almost 3 years agoDiverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for EqualityDiverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality Fiji
almost 3 years agoCUT BRASILCUT BRASIL Brazil
almost 3 years agoLJDLJD India
almost 3 years agoConfederación FenprussConfederación Fenpruss Chile
almost 3 years agoConfederación Nacional de Funcionarios Municipales de Chile (ASEMUCH)Confederación Nacional de Funcionarios Municipales de Chile (ASEMUCH) Chile
almost 3 years agoAsociación del personal de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (APUBA)Asociación del personal de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (APUBA) Argentina
almost 3 years agoConfederación de Trabajadores Municipales (CTM)Confederación de Trabajadores Municipales (CTM) Argentina
almost 3 years agoSwaziland Democratic Nurses UnionSwaziland Democratic Nurses Union Eswatini
almost 3 years agoANEPANEP Costa Rica
almost 3 years agoAssociation 'Novi put'Association 'Novi put' Bosnia and Herzegovina
almost 3 years agoWIEGO - Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and OrganizingWIEGO (Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing) United Kingdom
almost 3 years agoSindicato dos médicos de São Paulo - SIMESPSindicato dos médicos de São Paulo - SIMESP Brazil
almost 3 years agoCentro de Derechos Humanos Fr. Francisco de Vitoria O.P., A.C.Centro de Derechos Humanos Fr. Francisco de Vitoria O.P., A.C. Mexico
almost 3 years agoNational Campaign for Sustainable Development NepalNational Campaign for Sustainable Development Nepal Nepal
almost 3 years agoCanadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW - ICREF)Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW - ICREF) Canada
almost 3 years agoAsociación Paraguaya de EnfermeriaAsociación Paraguaya de Enfermeria Paraguay
almost 3 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 3 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 3 years agosamiraUnion of Public Service Global
almost 3 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 3 years agoAnnisa Perdomo GonzalezPublic Service Union of Belize Belize
almost 3 years agoCalum Millbankwsp United Kingdom
almost 3 years agoAndrea BradleyAndrea Bradley United Kingdom
almost 3 years agoAndres VeraEscuela Nacional Sindical Colombia
almost 3 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 3 years agoLucilene MorandiFluminense Federal University UFF Brazil
almost 3 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 3 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 3 years agoMonique HoffmannDepartment of Education Belgium
almost 3 years agoValentine France
almost 3 years agoItziar Ruiz-Giménez ArrietaGroup of African and International Studies, University Autonomy of Madrid Spain
almost 3 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 3 years agoMarko JanzicZukunft Croatia
about 3 years agoBerta Maria Bessone Ferreira Alves Global
about 3 years agoMaria FiliopoulouKoinoniko Polykentro - ADEDY Greece
about 3 years agoAnonymous signature
about 3 years agoJoana NetoNova School of Law Global
about 3 years agoAnonymous signature
about 3 years agoCaitlin LittletonHelpAge International Thailand
about 3 years agoReina Martinez RostranInstituto Nacional de la Mujer Honduras
about 3 years agoLourdes Camacho ZambranoNinguna Ecuador
about 3 years agoEsther Miranda Tarazona SUNET Colombia
about 3 years agoMartha Quiñones DomínguezUniversidad de Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
about 3 years agoRobert PalmerTax Justice UK United Kingdom
over 3 years agoOday NajiCRTD.A Lebanon
over 3 years agoLeyla Azerbaijan
over 3 years agoRawia LouciaKayan - Feminist Organization Israel
over 3 years agoAnonymous signature
over 3 years agoVirginia Sánchez Spain
over 3 years agoMónica Fraile Imserso Spain
over 3 years agoGodsen MohandossPublic Services International India
over 3 years agoGabrielaNDWA Peru
over 3 years agoHanna Huovari Finland
over 3 years agoFriuliAzienda sanitaria Afghanistan
over 3 years agoDes Rita GilkesSVGPSU Saint Vincent and The Grenadines
over 3 years agoYvette Gauthier Etienne CTSP Haiti
over 3 years agoPublic Service Union of Belize Belize
over 3 years agoJanela Evanson Antigua and Barbuda Public Service Association Antigua and Barbuda
over 3 years agoDelia Cuffy-WeeksDominica Public Service Union Commonwealth of Dominica
over 3 years agoLuc AllaireCSQ - Centrale des syndicats du Québec Canada
over 3 years agomarcelo Brazil
over 3 years agoNancy GelinasFIPEQ-CSQ, Fédération des intervenantes en petite enfance du Québec Canada
over 3 years agoprabodh France
over 3 years agoSylvie Perreault Canada
over 3 years agoValerie Lapointe Canada
over 3 years agoEliud Aganze[email protected] Congo, Democratic Republic of the
over 3 years agoSonia Patenaude Canada
over 3 years agoNathalie Mathieu Canada
over 3 years agoCatherine Charron Canada
over 3 years agoMy name Barbados
over 3 years agoOrganisationOrganisation signature Benin
over 3 years agoTesting Faroe Islands
over 3 years agoJoana Canedo Global
over 3 years agoKatarina Da Silva Global
over 3 years agoBeatriz Pedroso Global
over 3 years agoJosé Soeiro Portugal
over 3 years agoJulie Labrosse Canada
over 3 years agoNelson ramon fuentes colindres Honduras
over 3 years agoJosé Antonio Núñez Murillo Honduras
over 3 years agoDigna Nazareth Rivera Reyes Honduras
over 3 years agoAlejandro Haynes Panama
over 3 years agoLuis Antonio Dominguez Panama
over 3 years agoMartha hernandez Honduras
over 3 years agoLesbia Xiomara Conde Pacheco Guatemala
over 3 years agoCindy Rodriguez Honduras
over 3 years agoDouglas SABAN Guatemala
over 3 years agoAdriana Espinoza FESITUN Nicaragua
over 3 years agoXenia Girón[email protected] Honduras
over 3 years agoDelmy Cano Guatemala
over 3 years agoLuisa Soto Dominican Republic
over 3 years agoJoan Hughes United Kingdom
over 3 years agoNancy Gelinas Canada
over 3 years agoPatrick Browne United Kingdom
over 3 years agoLine Camerlain Canada
over 3 years agoValentina Montanaro Portugal
over 3 years agoSally F Spear United Kingdom
over 3 years agoAlex Lefkowitz United States
over 3 years agoMary Shortall Canada
over 3 years agoNARGIS JAHAN Bangladesh
over 3 years agoCLARA Jusidman Mexico
over 3 years agoPhilipp Effertz Germany
over 3 years agoFrączkiewicz-Wronka Aldona Poland
over 3 years agoeva cox Australia
over 3 years agoNaadira Munshi South Africa
over 3 years agoFRANCISCA YESENIA JIRON DUARTE Nicaragua
over 3 years agoAriel Nino MonzónArgentina Argentina
over 3 years agoNicolas Cengarle France
over 3 years agoSandra Quinteros Concha Chile
over 3 years agoPaola Erazo Arredondo Chile
over 3 years agoBexsabe Chile
over 3 years agoCatherine concha vera Chile
over 3 years agoRAMON CHANQUEO[email protected] Chile
over 3 years agoSabrina Montecinos Verdejo Chile
over 3 years agoAurora Chile
over 3 years agoERNESTO Chile
over 3 years agoPaul Provakar SahaProfessional Consultant to NGOs in Bangladesh Bangladesh
over 3 years agoTania MelnickComunicadora Social Chile
over 3 years agoNajwa HannaPUBLIC SERVICES INTERNATIONAL Lebanon
over 3 years agoMarisol The World, sponsored by God United States
almost 4 years agoCarmen Escandón García[email protected] Spain
almost 4 years agoJULIAN ANDRES CORRALESNinguna Colombia
almost 4 years agoSharmistha BarwaIndependent consultant India
almost 4 years agoJessica Johanna Rivera Ulcuango Ecuador
almost 4 years agoMaría Augusta Carrillo CONASEP Ecuador
almost 4 years agoRafael Soares Lemos de FariasGLU Brazil
almost 4 years agoHannah Bristow United Kingdom
almost 4 years agoVroni LemeireABVV-FGTB Brussels Belgium
almost 4 years agoLarry Sanders United Kingdom
almost 4 years agoTola OsiteluInternational Trade Union Confederation Belgium
almost 4 years agoCarolina RudnickFundación Libera contra la Trata de Personas y la Esclavitud en Todas sus Formas Chile
almost 4 years agoManuela Spain
almost 4 years agoflorencia giordanoWomen Entrepreneurs of NYC, NYC Dept. of Small Business Services United States
almost 4 years agoJosephine FosterUnited Workers Union Australia
almost 4 years agoVioleta P. FernandezPSLINK/ BINAN INTEGRATED NATIONAL HIGH SCOOL FACULTY ASSS. Philippines
almost 4 years agoPilar González FerrerUnión General de Trabajadores Spain
almost 4 years agoKarin MendozaAnejud Chile Chile
almost 4 years agoCamila MirandaFundación Nodo XXI Chile
almost 4 years agoLurdesUgt Spain
almost 4 years agoWITTMER HervéCFDT santé-sociaux France
almost 4 years agoRachel Walker Netherlands
almost 4 years agogloria Mora CamposUGT Spain
almost 4 years agoMabel Jaraba Contreras SUDEB- sindicato único de trabajadores de la educacion Colombia
almost 4 years agoDAVID FERNÁNDEZ Spain
almost 4 years agoErica Gutiérrez Méndez Spain
almost 4 years agoKevin Alexander Junior Carrera VielmanComité Nacional de Juventudes ISP Guatemala Guatemala
almost 4 years agoyessenia rodriguezFenpruss Chile
almost 4 years agoAsociación Nacional de Funcionarios del SII - ANEIICHANEIICH Chile
almost 4 years agoMaría Teresa Rodríguez Blanco UGT Spain
almost 4 years agoSulima GarcíaUniversidad Autónoma de Querétaro Mexico
almost 4 years agoCatherine A Kane Switzerland
almost 4 years agocarmen riesgo lópez Spain
almost 4 years agoLinda Bogle-Mienzer BPSU Bermuda
almost 4 years agoValentina Zendejas Moheno— Mexico
almost 4 years agoDawn LearningCanadian Union of Public Employees Canada
almost 4 years agoRubí Carla Gutiérrez Stunam Mexico
almost 4 years agoCésar Aguilar ReyesSTUNAM Mexico
almost 4 years agoJudith CuellarStunam - México Mexico
almost 4 years agoFlor LamitAmang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center Philippines
almost 4 years agoJohanna RudichCrear vale la pena Argentina
almost 4 years agoMauricio Hernández STUNAM Mexico
almost 4 years agoFlávia Gomes da Silva NozuePSI Interaméricas Brazil
almost 4 years agoMontserrat Zurita Medina Sindicato de trabajadores de la universidad nacional autónoma de méxico Mexico
almost 4 years agoLea RakovskyBan Ying e.V. Germany
almost 4 years agomaiga issoufifederation des syndicats du secteur public IS MALI Mali
almost 4 years agoslava zlatanovaFederation of Trade Unions - Health Servics - Citub Bulgaria
almost 4 years agoMelaini Mullings-ArnoldJamaica Civil Service Association Jamaica
almost 4 years agoPablo SteinAFT United States
almost 4 years agoMAVIES SIBANDAzucwu Zimbabwe
almost 4 years agoCARLOS DÍAZ DEL RÍOUGT Spain
almost 4 years agoRuth Lora LondoñoUNETE Colombia
almost 4 years agoMARCILLOUX MurielFNME CGT France
almost 4 years agoOlga Lc Spain
almost 4 years agoJaime Durán GarcíaUGT Spain
almost 4 years agoLeticia Velo CastroUGT Spain
almost 4 years agoPurificación Spain
almost 4 years agoMaría Ángeles Fernández CilleroOrganización Mundial De Cuidados Spain
almost 4 years agoMARIA JOSE DACOSTA ARGIBAY Spain
almost 4 years agoJames Graham Corscadden TUC United Kingdom
almost 4 years agoCelsoCONFUSAM Chile
almost 4 years agoLaura DenhamIndividual United Kingdom
almost 4 years agoJosé Manuel Núñez SoutulloUGT Spain
almost 4 years agoluis fernandez lopezugt Spain
almost 4 years agoAngel Gasque Spain
almost 4 years agoAmar Nijhawan, she/her Canada
almost 4 years agoGLORIA SILVIA RAMIREZ ROJASISP - ASODEFENSA - Bogota Colombia Sur América Colombia
almost 4 years agoRocio APE Paraguay
almost 4 years agoANA MARIA VERA HARO Candidatura Popular y Feminista a la Constituyente Distrito 23. Chile
almost 4 years agoSandra van NiekerkPSI South Africa
almost 4 years agoAbdul HaleemAll Pakistan Labour Federation Pakistan
almost 4 years agoÉlaine GirouxAlliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux APTS Canada
almost 4 years agoLaure Letarte-LavoieAlliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux APTS Canada
almost 4 years agoGILCFDT France
almost 4 years agoShirley DorismondFédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec–FIQ Canada
almost 4 years agoRegina Rodríguez RodriguezUGT Spain
almost 4 years agoLE NOCCFDT SANTE SOCIAUX France
almost 4 years agoWilliam MONCELCFDT santé-sociaux France
almost 4 years agoJosé Antonio Gómez GómezUGT Galicia Spain
almost 4 years agoDelia Irene Martinez Conde Spain
almost 4 years agoDavid CamposSitrande Paraguay
almost 4 years agoFeSP UGT TarragonaFeSP UGT Spain
almost 4 years agoJuana Rodríguez AbellelleiraUGT Spain
almost 4 years agoSilvia Beatriz Araújo AmarillaSitrama Paraguay
almost 4 years agoNayareth Quevedo ISP Chile
almost 4 years agoÁngel Iglesias FernándezUGT Coruña Spain
almost 4 years agoMarianela Herrera Vera Chile
almost 4 years agoCarlos Agrasar Cruz Spain
almost 4 years agoMaría Spain
almost 4 years agoVictor Pariente ContrerasUnion General de Trabajadores Spain
almost 4 years agoJORGE FORTES Spain
almost 4 years agoRocío Meira CarrilloUGT Spain
almost 4 years agoAlejandra Lago Cameselle Spain
almost 4 years agoRubén Ugt Spain
almost 4 years agoJose seijas Amigohospital clinico de santiago Spain
almost 4 years agoSECTOR DE ENSEÑANZAFeSP-UGT Spain
almost 4 years agoSILVIA IGLESIAS SANCHEZUGT Spain
almost 4 years agoOuattara Épouse Nguessan Tiekhou Antoinette Syndicat National des sages-femmes ivoiriennes (SYNSFI) Côte d'Ivoire
almost 4 years agoMaría Jesús de la Flor Spain
almost 4 years agoMª DOLORES GÓMEZ JIMÉNEZ Spain
almost 4 years agoDave Chappell United Kingdom
almost 4 years agoBlanca velazquezCentro de Apoyo al Trabaj@dor Mexico
almost 4 years agoMARIA DEL CARMEN ORDAZCoordinación Feminista Olimpia de Gouges, AC. Mexico
almost 4 years agoDavid Gerbault New Zealand
almost 4 years agoGisella Valenzuela ArtigasCecosf Escuadrón Chile
almost 4 years agoLeonardo Parraguez Gallardo Asociacion base de atención primaria la florida, CONFUSAM Chile
almost 4 years agoAngela Rifo CANEF Chile
almost 4 years agoMILAGROS García NavarroFESP-UGT Spain
almost 4 years agoPatricia mesina garcia Chile
almost 4 years agoNicoletta griecoFpcgil Italy
almost 4 years agoLourdes García AcevedoFrente Feminista NACIONAL Mexico
almost 4 years agoEuan GibbPSI Interamerica Brazil
almost 4 years agoGina Guadalupe Arellano CastilloSindicato Democrático Independiente de Trabajadores del Sistema de Transporte Colectivo Metro Mexico
almost 4 years agoClaudia Frías Amestica Confusam Chile
almost 4 years agoMaría Aliciaatención primaria de salud Chile
almost 4 years agoMercedes Olivera BustamanteCDMCh Mexico
almost 4 years agoLennin Gallardo ValdésCONFUSAM Chile
almost 4 years agoGuadalupe Guillermina CarmonaCentro de Apoyo para el Movimiento Popular de Occidente, A. C. Mexico
almost 4 years agoElizabethConfusam Chile
almost 4 years agoAndrea Brito PérezConfusam Chile
almost 4 years agoFabiola Fuentes GuzmanCONFUSAM Chile
almost 4 years agoPatricio Orellana NuñezCONFUSAM Chile
almost 4 years agocarolina aravena zuñigaCONFUSAM Chile
almost 4 years agoVirginia González Miranda CONFUSAM Chile
almost 4 years agoMaria Elena Rozas PinoConfusam Chile
almost 4 years agoMonica JimenezSindicato Mexicano de Electricistas Mexico
almost 4 years agoThalia KidderOxfam United Kingdom
almost 4 years agoDiane ElsonUK Women's Budget Group United Kingdom
almost 4 years agoSophie EfangeGender and Development Network United Kingdom
almost 4 years agoOzanir Evangela OliveiraSindsep Quixadá Brazil
almost 4 years agoJackie LewisUNISON United Kingdom
almost 4 years agoRamona LopezAPTASCH FESPROSA Argentina
almost 4 years agoEmilie BeauchesneSyndicat des professionnelles et professionnels du gouvernement du Quénec Canada
almost 4 years agoThiago Álvares FeitalUFMG Brazil
almost 4 years agoANA TRIFIROAPTS FESPROSA Argentina
almost 4 years agoViviana GarciaiFCI-fesprosa Argentina
almost 4 years agoasdfasdf Croatia
almost 4 years agoasdfasdf Croatia
almost 4 years agoSophia WirschingGerman NGO Network against Trafficking in Human Beings - KOK e.V. Germany
almost 4 years agoMarkoTest Croatia
almost 4 years agoMarkoTest Croatia
almost 4 years agoMarkoZknft Croatia
almost 4 years agoMaurine AberAll in One Women's Association Uganda
almost 4 years agoNadia KozhouharovaAnimus Association Foundation Bulgaria
almost 4 years agoVictor G. ChiongPublic Services International Philippines
almost 4 years agoTecha Clarke-Griffiths Jamaica
almost 4 years agoMiguel Borja[email protected] Ecuador
almost 4 years agoMaritza Zambrano Sindicato Nacional Único de trabajadoras remuneradas del hogar de Ecuador Ecuador
almost 4 years agoJucélia Vargas Vieira de JesusCONFETAM CUT Brazil
almost 4 years agoGloria Minango NarváezConsejo Nacional para la Igualdad de Género Ecuador
almost 4 years agoEuan GibbPSI Brazil
almost 4 years agoVeronika ToberPSI France
almost 4 years agoGlen Q PastorfidePublic Services International Philippines
almost 4 years agoPenny SmithUNISON United Kingdom
almost 4 years agoEym MariaWATED Tanzania
almost 4 years agoJeni Jain ThapaPSI Nepal
almost 4 years agoAurore Capelier France
almost 4 years agocharlotte KalanbaniPSI Togo
almost 4 years agoAnahit Asatryan Union of State, Local Government and Public Service Employees (USLGPSEA) Armenia
almost 4 years agomarceloPSI France
almost 4 years agoHazel PettyPSI France
almost 4 years agoHazel RipollTest Belgium
almost 4 years agomarceloPSI France
almost 4 years agoHazel RipollTest Belgium
almost 4 years agoImmaculate MukasaMEMPROW - Mentoring and Empowerment Programme for Young Women Uganda
almost 4 years agoCarolina Pastorin CastineiraSimesp Brazil
almost 4 years agoKátia Cristina Rodrigues SilvaFESSP-ESP Brazil
almost 4 years agoAgustina Soto AcebalPublic Service International France
almost 4 years agoKátia Cristina Rodrigues Silva Brazil
almost 4 years agoJoão Guilherme de Paula MartinsSindSaúde/SP - PSI Brazil
almost 4 years agoVanessa BosquezIndependiente Ecuador
almost 4 years agoSHEILA MARIA GONÇALVES DA SILVA Brazil
almost 4 years agoDenise Motta Dau Internacional de Serviços Publicos Brazil
almost 4 years agoEliane Aparecida da CruzSetorial Nacional de Saúde do PT Brazil
almost 4 years agojan hochadelAFT/AFT-CT United States
almost 4 years agoSteve PorterPublic Services International United States
almost 4 years agoCatherine BOECKXEPSU Belgium
almost 4 years agoJoumana Al AzarPublic Services International-PSI Lebanon
almost 4 years agoTamara GausiITUC/Equal Times United Kingdom
almost 4 years agoMARIA SALETE CROSSIsp Brazil
almost 4 years agoAlexa Wolfstädterver.di Germany
almost 4 years agoClaire WoutersACOD/CGSP Belgium
almost 4 years agoSueli Silvia Adriano FETRAM SC Brazil
almost 4 years agoLucy AndreettiPSA New Zealand
almost 4 years agoTom Reddingtonpsi Australia
almost 4 years agoOlivier Zimmermann Switzerland
almost 4 years agoFernando Riveros Anfsml Chile
almost 4 years agoMariano Diaz Briz FESPROSA Argentina Argentina
almost 4 years agoYoungbae ChangKPTU South Korea
almost 4 years agoCarmen Albornoz Gallegos AFIICH Chile
almost 4 years agoJohn C BhendAFSCME Local 52 United States
almost 4 years agoValentine M MoghadamNortheastern University United States
almost 4 years agoKarina NavoneSGBATOS Argentina
almost 4 years agoAline CyrilloEntrepreneur Brazil
almost 4 years agoMaria Concepcion Chávez [email protected] Paraguay
almost 4 years agoMirtaSalud Argentina
almost 4 years agoMirna Gallardo Asociación Paraguaya de Enfemería Paraguay
almost 4 years agoMichele GirashPublic Service Alliance of Canada Canada
almost 4 years agoMaría Alejandra ArleguiSUTEPA- SINDICATO UNIDO DE TRABAJADORES Y EMPLEADODS DEL PAMI Argentina
almost 4 years agoRocioUNDAV Argentina
almost 4 years agoMIRTA GLORIA VIOLA Sitrasap- Fesprosa- CTA A Argentina
almost 4 years agoMiguel Aguirre Argentina
almost 4 years agoCaleb GordonNZ Public Service Association New Zealand
almost 4 years agoGerardo Codina[email protected] Argentina
almost 4 years agoGeici Maiara BrigISP Brazil
almost 4 years agoFátima Fernández [email protected] Paraguay
almost 4 years agoDavid KirbyDOCTORS IN UNITE United Kingdom
almost 4 years agoSisa Madrid Compañía Nacional de Danza Ecuador
almost 4 years agoHazel RipollPSI France
almost 4 years agoRaimo Kangasniemi United States
almost 4 years agoMike WaghorneRetired - formerly with PSI. France
almost 4 years agoErin PolaczukPSA New Zealand
almost 4 years agoLuke HollandTax Justice Network United Kingdom
almost 4 years agoGawain Kripkeindependent United States
almost 4 years agoCarolina Espinoza TapiaInternacional de Servicios Públicos, CONFUSAM Confederación Nacional de Funcionarixs de Salud Municipal Chile
almost 4 years agoBanaani DekaPublic Services International India
almost 4 years agoMARIA ISABEL BERONPSI Argentina
almost 4 years agochahnaz El Zeinpublic service international Lebanon
almost 4 years agoMaría de Lourdes Zea RosalesISP STUNAM Mexico
almost 4 years agoNidia Bravo Osorio ANEIICH Chile
almost 4 years agoGabriela FigueroaAsociación del personal de la Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina
almost 4 years agoAngelica OrdonezASO UASB Ecuador
almost 4 years ago