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La ISP Interaméricas y la crisis climática: Derecho al agua y saneamiento
Habla Ariel Monzón, del Sindicato Gran Buenos Aires de Trabajadores de Obras...
Challenging the private water lobby
Corporate lobby group Aquafed’s attempt to undermine Léo Heller’s analysis o...
Webinar: “30 años de privatizaciones en Chile"
Las oficinas regional interamericana y del Cono Sur de la Internacional de S...
Isolation without Violence
How do you accompany a woman in a situation of gender violence in isolation?...
The Atlas of Utopias 2019
Welcome to the Atlas of Utopias - a unique collection of community-led trans...
Labour tells UN no to privatized water and energy services
At a conference about the UN's Sustainable Development Goals unions called f...
World Water Day: Group protests against proposed PPP by state govt
Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth led protest actions on som...
Nigeria Privatisation- Fight Back ERA water report
ERA says if the Governor of Lagos, Akinwunmi Ambode awards the contact to Ve...
Remunicipalisation: Putting Water Back into Public Hands
This video explores water 'remunicipalisation' in Buenos Aires and Paris, lo...
Through the Empty Tap (Jakarta Water Privatization)
Jakarta water service has been privatized since 1997, when PAM Jaya (Jakarta...