#Waive WTO copyrights on Covid-19 medical products!
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»Der Kompromiss ist völlig inakzeptabel«
Die WTO-Entscheidung zum Aussetzen von Patenten auf Covid-Impfstoffe ist seh...
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- #Waive WTO copyrights on Covid-19 medical products!
Ignoring the Demands of Frontline Workers will doom the Covid Recovery
Today, on World Public Services Day, PSI is launching “Behind the Mask” - an...
WTO kneels to Big Pharma at Ministerial Conference
Instead of adopting the comprehensive TRIPS waiver proposed by more than 100...
Open CSO letter to WTO Trade Ministers: Do not accept the current draft, demand a real Waiver
The draft Ministerial Decision on the TRIPS Agreement is inadequate and cont...
Nurse protests vaccine patents by applauding Pharma CEOs at Davos for huge pandemic payouts
A frontline nurse from Liberia has launched a ‘round of applause’ for the Ph...
Break the Health Apartheid
PSI is calling on all affiliates to urge their governments to reject counter-proposal to the TRIPS Waiver.
Too little, too late: We need a permanent TRIPS waiver mechanism
On 15 March, the European Commission finally admitted that intellectual prop...
EU Set to bin 25 Million More Vaccine Doses than it has Donated to Africa this Year
Europe has betrayed Africa by blocking proposals that would allow manufactur...
Global Unions call for Urgent Waiver on Vaccine Patents and Supplies to tack...
The Council of Global Unions (CGU), representing over 200 million workers, h...
WTO Meeting Cancellation tells us, Once Again, TRIPS Waiver Needed, Now!
On Friday late evening, the WTO General Council decided to postpone indefini...