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People's Water Forum - UN rapporteur Pedro Arrojo assaulted in Bali
UN rapporteur Pedro Arrojo assaulted in Bali as he tried to enter the hotel where the People's Water Forum was being held.
RadioLabour: Challenges and priorities for workers in Waste Management
A PSI delegation will join the Fourth Session of the Plastic Treaty negotiat...
PSI intervention at INC-2
Speaking of Treaty options 10-12 on behalf of the Workers and Trade Unions ...
Mbale City’s garbage has gone uncollected for weeks
Leaders in Mbale city have been urged to quickly come up with a solution to ...
Iraq protests electricity
PSI affiliates in Iraq reported that the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity has p...
La ISP Interaméricas y la crisis climática: Derecho al agua y saneamiento
Habla Ariel Monzón, del Sindicato Gran Buenos Aires de Trabajadores de Obras...