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Showing 8 campaigns
Turkey: Solidarity fund for trade unions
In the aftermath of the failed coup that took place last July, the Turkish g...
Trade unionists killed and arrested in Turkey
Sanitation worker Mehmet Kaplan, father of three children and member of PSI ...
Turkey: PSI General Secretary meets dismissed health care workers, denounces attack on labour rights
In December 2014, the hospital of Maltepe University in Istanbul dismissed n...
Turkey: Stop the judicial harassment of trade unionists
PSI joins EPSU and ITUC in denouncing the Turkish government’s anti-union at...
Turkey: End police violence now!
PSI joins the ITUC and other global unions in supporting the international d...
Support jailed Turkish unionists
Seven months after their arrest, 15 female Turkish unionists are still in ja...
15 public sector trade unionists have been arrested in Turkey
On 13 February 2012, 15 women union leaders and activists belonging to PSI a...