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The Future Of Public Transport - Investing in a frontline service for frontline workers
C40 Cities has just published a new research revealing the importance of securing a green and just recovery.
Unmasking the Hidden Power of Cities. Using their authorities, energy and promise to secure the common good.
The Partnership for Working Families, which recently co-authored a new report on the unique power of cities to make prog...
Nationalising'Special'Purpose'Vehicles'to'end'PFI:'a'discussion'of'the' costs'and'benefits
A new paper by Dr Helen Mercer and Professor Dexter Whitfield "Nationalising Special Purpose Vehicles to end PFI: A disc...
How infrastructure is shaping the world
Counter Balance has explored in recent years the new wave of large-scale infrastructure projects being financed all over...
Fact Sheet: Public-Private Partnerships. Privatizing Transportation Networks: Bad Deals, Higher Costs and Failed Accountability
Public-private partnerships privatize valuable public assets such as roads and bridges to guarantee long-term returns to financiers at the expense of taxpayers.