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TUCTU advises govt to impose tax on foreign and local firms in minings
The Trade Union Congress of Tanzania (TUCTA) has advised the government to i...
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- #Tax
- #Health Services Workers' Union of TUC
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- #Civil and Local Government Staff Association of Ghana
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- #Africa & Arab Countries
- #Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives' Association
- #Union of Industry Commerce and Finance Workers
The Need to Pause and Rethink Tax Exemption Regime in Ghana
Ghana has been granting tax exemptions and getting virtually nothing in retu...
TAFJA calls for heavy taxes on big business and the wealthy, and cutting cor...
As the COVID19 public health crisis continues to intensify, deep flaws in ou...
TAFJA calls for heavy taxes on big business and the wealthy, and cutting cor...
As the COVID19 public health crisis continues to intensify, deep flaws in ou...
"Wealth disparity is worse than ever!"
CUPE Ontario says “privatization, underfunding, and downloading of services ...
A dramatic expansion of government contracting to the Big Four consulting companies
There has been a dramatic expansion of government contracting to the Big Fou...
Greece: people wonder when the pain will end
As the government signs on to another draconian agreement involving austerit...
Labour demands end to VAT loophole by NHS trusts putting jobs at risk
The Labour Party is demanding an end to a VAT loophole used by NHS trusts wh...
Corbyn has a Washington ally on taxing the rich. But no, it’s not Trump
The IMF has finally departed from 40 years of orthodoxy on taxation and economic growth, but it’s unlikely to persuade anyone in the US government.