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PSLINK speaks up at Global Compact for Migration Asia-Pacific review in Bangkok
Jillian Roque of the Public Services Labor Independent Confederation (PSLINK...
Trade Unions hold Climate Symposium in Fiji, demand QPS and just transition
Nearly 50 Unionists from across the Pacific convened for a climate symposium...
PSI at World Social Forum 2024
PSI, affiliates, and other like-minded organisations came together to hold a...
30,000 South Korean workers and citizens, march for climate justice
More than 30,000 workers and citizens held a large-scale march in September ...
Myanmar Trade Unionist Khaing Zar Aung speaks at PSI Congress 2023
PSI Congress adopted a resolution condemning the military junta and calling ...
Sanitation Workers in South Asia resolve to fight for dignity and decent wor...
Sanitation workers and their unions from Bangladesh, India, and Nepal came t...
Putting LGBTQIA+ rights on the union agenda
IDAHOBIT – International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and T...
Ver.di supports Ukrainian seafarer union
On 27 April, PSI affiliate in Germany, Ver.di, is dedicating its Twitter acc...
Brasil: Trabalhadores/as da limpeza urbana fazem greve por vacina em São Paulo
Cerca de 17 mil profissionais de limpeza urbana do município de São Paulo (S...