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National Bank takeover bid hit by legal issues
The proposed privatisation of Kenya’s National Bank has run into trouble “fo...
The debate on privatisation of sugar factories has intensified
The Privatisation Commission has “opposed a National Land Commission propos...
The government Privatisation Commission has been advertising for public relations consultants
The government Privatisation Commission has been advertising for public rela...
Kenyan National Assembly has expressed concerns over Airtel, Telkom merger
Questions are being raised about the proposed merger between Airtel and Telk...
Kenya in major policy shift on support for PPPs
In a major policy shift on support for PPPs, government support measures (GS...
Kenya in major policy shift on support for PPPs
Over 70 projects being implemented under the public-private partnership fram...
Kenya in major policy shift on support for PPPs
In a major policy shift on support for PPPs, government support measures (GS...
Privatization commission mulls at selling state owned corporations
The Kenya Port Authority will not be privatized, but other parastatal corpor...
The Privatization Commission is seeking consultants
The Privatization Commission is seeking consultants to advise on sale of sta...
The Hakijamii Trust is concerned about the plans to privatize public facilities
The Hakijamii Trust (Economic & Social Rights Centre) says “we are concerned...