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Exec Summary: Strengthening the WHO Global Code

This summary extracted from our full report briefly outlines recommendations for trade union action and global advocac...

Full Report: Strengthening the WHO Global Code

  • en

This report provides recommendations for trade union action and global advocacy to improve the implementation of the WHO...

Oxford/Lancet Study on Health Privitisation

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This comprehensive research across many countries concludes hospitals that are privatised typically deliver worse qualit...

Community Health Workers in South Asia launch a new Charter of Demands

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Through this initiative, we're uniting CHWs from India, Nepal, and Pakistan to address injustices and advocate for better working conditions.

Los sindicatos de trabajadoxs de la salud de Colombia apoyan las reformas sociales del gobierno del cambio

  • es

18 organizaciones, filiadas y no filiadas a la ISP, además de las centrales sindicales colombianas CUT, CTC y CGT firmar...

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