#Gender-based violence
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Economic and Social Costs of Violence and Harassment In the World of Work
This study on the economic and social costs of violence and harassment in the world of work is part of the project "Stre...
- #Egypt
- #Gender-based violence
- +12
- #Health & Social Care Services
- #Swedish Municipal Workers Union
- #PSI
- #Africa & Arab Countries
- #Arab Countries
- #Union to Union
- #Covid-19
- #Local & Regional Government / Municipal
- #Gender Equality and Equity
- #Ratify ILO Convention C190 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work
- #Egyptian Ambulance Organisation Employees' Syndicate
Working from home isn't safe when home isn't safe
This guide on responding to family & domestic violence in home-based workplaces has been developed by NSW unions, NSW wo...
Marco comparativo sobre la legislación y prácticas para abordar la violencia y el acoso en el mundo del trabajo
Este Estudio ha sido elaborado en el marco del proyecto “Violencia de Género en el sector salud en los países de Brasi...
La Voz - Segunda Edición
La violencia contra las mujeres desgraciadamente está presente en la vida de muchos de nosotrxs, ya sea en casa, en la calle o en el trabajo.