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WTO MC13 - Interview with PSI & FES
At World Trade Organisation's Ministerial Conference in Abu Dhabi, repressio...
- #Tanzania
- +12
- #Tax
- #Tanzania Union of Government and Health Employees
- #Researchers, Academicians and Allied Workers Union
- #Tanzania Local Government Workers Union
- #Tanzania Union of Industrial and Commercial Workers
- #Zanzibar Federation of Public Service Unions
- #PSI
- #Africa & Arab Countries
- #English-speaking Central, East and West Africa
- #Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
- #Tax Justice
- #Zanzibar Public and Allied Workers Union
Tax incentives for multinationals not a good policy choice
Trade unions in Tanzania affiliated to Public Services International (PSI) a...
ISP participa de Audiência Pública pela Ratificação da Convenção nº190 da OIT no Brasil
O Comitê de Mulheres da Internacional dos Serviços Públicos (ISP) no Brasil,...
Mulheres sindicalistas do serviço público de todo o Brasil afirmam luta pela...
Entre as disposições da campanha pactuada para o próximo período está a entr...
Oportunidades y desafíos de la ratificación del convenio 190 de la OIT
Este miércoles 28 de julio se realizó el taller virtual “Oportunidades y des...
The other virus: tax fraud
The article "The Other Virus: Tax Fraud - Strengthening Social Protection in...
“Free trade” agreements <br> and the pandemic
The article "‘Free trade’ agreements and the pandemic" shows how 25 years of...
Chile: expertos coinciden que es el momento de un impuesto a los súper ricos
Un seminario virtual se realizó en el marco de la campaña "Impuestos X la Di...
Pandemic and neoliberalism: The bill just arrived
The article “Facing the Pandemic in Latin America: An analysis of vulnerabil...
Pandemic: big business for transnational corporations
Public Services International (PSI) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation are p...