#European Network on Debt and Development
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Special Tax Brief - UN Tax Cooperation
This PSI Special Briefing on UN Tax Cooperation helps guide union analysis and involvement in the ongoing UN process to ...
Our future is public - Why the IMF and World Bank must support public services
This is a report written and coordinated by Chiara Mariotti, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer at the European Network ...
- #Climate Crisis
- #ActionAid International
- +12
- #Transnational Institute
- #PSI
- #European Network on Debt and Development
- #Public Funding for Development
- #Privatisation
- #Quality Public Services
- #Oxfam
- #Our Future is Public (Old)
- #Initiative for Social and Economic Rights
- #Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- #East African Centre for Human Rights
- #Our Future is Public
Covid-19 and Debt
This special brief is designed to answer some of the specific questions for unions in the developing and developed world about debt in times of Covid.
History RePPPeated - How public private partnerships are failing
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are increasingly being promoted as the solution to the shortfall in financing needed ...
Development, untied
In 2015 alone, donor governments around the world spent an estimated US$55 billion – or more than 44 per cent of Real Of...
Public development banks: towards a better model
Development banks have become a critical component of the effort to build up poorer economies, but their ways of working...
What lies beneath? A critical assessment of PPPs and their impact on sustainable development
This report shows that the last decade has seen a huge increase in the amount of money invested in PPPs in developing co...