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Climate crisis EB-157 brief

COP26 Outcomes: Despite pronouncements from global leaders about the urgent need for action, COP26 in Glasgow didn’t del...

Going Public: A Decarbonised, Affordable and Democratic Energy System for Europe

This PSIRU report, commissioned by EPSU, highlights the many failures of liberalisation – prices have increased for cons...

Remunicipalization, the Low-Carbon Transition, and Energy Democracy (by Andrew Cumbers)

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The term “remunicipalization” has become associated with a global trend to reverse the privatization wave that swept man...

Diversifying Public Ownership. Constructing Institutions for Participation, Social Empowerment and Democratic Control (by Andrew Cumbers)

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This paper advocates a form of economic democracy based around diverse forms of public ownership. It does not prioritize...

Our City, Our Grid: The energy remunicipalisation trend in Germany (By Sören Becker)

This chapter gives an account of remunicipalisations in the German energy sector, and is divided into two main parts. Th...


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The Group of Seven (G7) is an informal grouping of seven of the world’s advanced economies consisting of Canada, France,...

From state to system: Financialization and the water-energy-food-climate nexus

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From state to system: Financialization and the water-energy-food-climate nexus (by Jeremy J. Schmidt, Nathanial Matthews...

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