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PSI makes strategic advances in the Social Organization of Care
With the strategic and fundamental support of FÓRSA, Public Services Interna...
International solidarity with leader of the Energy and Petroleum Workers Association of Ecuador
Public Services International (PSI) in Inter-Americas and the Latin American...
PSI sides with Public Sector Workers in Ecuador to resist Privatisation Push
In an open letter of solidarity, PSI General Secretary Daniel Bertossa conde...
El pueblo ecuatoriano rechaza los contratos laborales por hora y la actuació...
El 21 de abril, en una consulta popular y referéndum, el pueblo ecuatoriano ...
ILO recognizes the rights of the Shuar Arutam people in Ecuador with PSI support
The complaint filed denounced the lack of consultation with the Shuar Arutam...
We welcome the initiatives of the trade unions and popular movement to stop the war in Ecuador
Ecuador is experiencing a new escalation of violence and uncertainty, eviden...
Projeto “Luta contra a desigualdade” encerra ciclo de conquistas em seminário
Intitulado “Luta contra a Desigualdade”, o projeto de cooperação sindical en...
Los afrodescendientes exigen políticas de trabajo digno
En el Día Internacional de los Afrodescendientes, sindicalistas antirracistas se reúnen para debatir sobre trabajo decente y políticas públicas
Sindicalistas LGBTQIA+ debatem sobre invisibilidade e direitos trabalhistas
A Internacional dos Serviços Públicos (ISP) promoveu debate sobre o uso dos mecanismos sindicais a favor da comunidade LGBTQIA+ na América Latina
Ecuador approves law guaranteeing human right to care
Care as a human right is advancing through its explicit recognition in the l...