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PSI makes strategic advances in the Social Organization of Care
With the strategic and fundamental support of FÓRSA, Public Services Interna...
PSI takes part in first national "Chile Cuida" meeting
The meeting was attended by unions, academics and government agencies to dis...
PSI promotes the National Trade Union School for Young Workers in Chile
As part of the Forsa project, PSI inaugurated the National Trade Union Schoo...
Chile debates Bill to establish a National Care System
PSI Women's Committee (WOC) defends the urgency of the “Chile Cuida” bill in the Social Development Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.
PSI launches a travelling gender school in Chile
This project, framed within the PSI agenda and under the FORSA project, seek...
Gobierno de Chile presenta Proyecto de Ley para crear Sistema Nacional de Cu...
Este lunes, en un acto realizado en el auditorio del Ministerio de la Mujer ...
Comité de Mujeres de la ISP se reúne con el gobierno de Chile para hablar de...
A cinco días de la Cuenta Pública -el 1° de junio- donde el presidente Gabri...
Trabajadoras del Sector Público exigen al Gobierno un Sistema Nacional de Cu...
Declaración del Comité Nacional de Mujeres de la Internacional de Servicios Públicos (ISP) de Chile
Modernization of the Chile-EU FTA: a false promise of Equity and Development
In 2002, Chile and the European Union (EU) ratified a Free Trade Agreement (...
Sindicatos Públicos de Chile solidarizan con el movimiento sindical Argentino
Las Organizaciones Sindicales del Sector Público de Chile -afiliadas a la In...